Faster SQL Server SELECT COUNT(*) Queries with Columnstore Indexes

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Recently Grant Fritchey lamented that not enough people are using columnstore indexes. I thought about ways I've found them useful, and I wrote up this quick tip as a simple use case to make COUNT(*) queries less painful. Of course Brent Ozar quite promptly blogged about it first, but I thought I'd add my own perspective.


Because of their nature, a COUNT(*) query is only as efficient as your skinniest (non-filtered) index. People often think the clustered index is the most efficient index to use for any operation in SQL Server, but it is actually the least efficient for tasks like this (it's often forgotten that a clustered index contains every single column, not just the columns defined in its key). A skinnier, non-clustered index is better, while a non-clustered columnstore index can be the best, especially in SQL Server 2019. (Personally, I still prefer the DMVs, but that's another story.)

Let's take a trivial example where we dump 5,000,000 arbitrary rows from the system catalogs into four tables:

SELECT TOP (5000000) c.* 
  INTO dbo.t1
  FROM sys.all_columns AS c
  CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects AS o ORDER BY NEWID();

SELECT * INTO dbo.t2 FROM dbo.t1;
SELECT * INTO dbo.t3 FROM dbo.t1;
SELECT * INTO dbo.t4 FROM dbo.t1;

Then we'll create a typical clustered index on each table:

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX t1cix ON dbo.t1(object_id, column_id);
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX t2cix ON dbo.t2(object_id, column_id);
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX t3cix ON dbo.t3(object_id, column_id);
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX t4cix ON dbo.t4(object_id, column_id);

We'll leave the first table as it is. We'll pick the smallest non-nullable column in the table, is_filestream, which is defined as bit NOT NULL. On t2 we'll create a non-clustered index on just that column; on t3 we'll create a non-clustered columnstore index there; and on t4 we'll create a non-clustered columnstore index but use COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE compression:

CREATE INDEX nc1 ON dbo.t2(is_filestream);



Now, we'll make sure the cache is cold, and then execute a COUNT(*) query against each table, both in SQL Server 2017 compatibility mode, and again in SQL Server 2019 compatibility mode. I'm going to include the DMV queries for comparison.

SELECT /* sys.partitions  */ SUM(rows) 
    FROM sys.partitions
    WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.t1') AND index_id = 1;

SELECT /* sys.dm_db_partition_stats */ SUM(row_count)
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
    WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.t1') AND index_id = 1;


SELECT /* 17 t1 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1;
SELECT /* 17 t2 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t2;
SELECT /* 17 t3 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t3;
SELECT /* 17 t4 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t4;


SELECT /* 19 t1 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1;
SELECT /* 19 t2 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t2;
SELECT /* 19 t3 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t3;
SELECT /* 19 t4 */ COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t4;

Now, don't get me wrong; these were all pretty fast, given what they were doing; I have a fast disk and six cores, and some wouldn't fare so well on less capable systems. Here are the initial duration and CPU times (milliseconds):

Raw runtime results from actual execution

And here are runtime metrics from one execution in sys.dm_exec_query_stats:

Runtime metrics from sys.dm_exec_query_stats

Ignoring the DMV queries (where physical reads were 0, logical reads were ~10, and memory grant was <= 1MB), we can inspect each of the plans to see what is different.

2017 Compatibility Mode

In the first query against t1, we have a clustered index scan in row mode with an I/O cost of 61.03 and a CPU cost of 1.83. Metrics captured above show that the physical reads were over 165K, logical reads over 82K, and that there was a very low memory grant of 104K.

Plan for query against t1 under 2017 compat

The same query against t2 wisely used the non-clustered index. It's still a scan, it's still in row mode, still has a high I/O cost at 10.52, and has the same CPU cost of 1.83. Physical and logical reads were lower, at 28K and 14K respectively, and the memory grant was again a meager 104Kb.

Plan for query against t2 under 2017 compat

The query against t3 used the columnstore index and batch mode for all operators. The I/O and CPU costs were much lower (0.003 and 0.55). Physical reads were a lot lower, at 2.2K, and logical reads at 8.6K, but the memory grant was higher at 4.8Kb.

Plan for query against t3 under 2017 compat

The plan for the query against t4 looks exactly the same. And while the duration and CPU are far too short to reveal any differences, we can see in the runtime metrics that physical and logical reads were way lower (257 and 1,028) for the same memory grant as the query against t3.

Plan for query against t4 under 2017 compat

Quick summary: In 2017 compat level, a nonclustered columnstore index helps substantially with COUNT(*) queries.

2019 Compatibility Mode

In the first query against t1, we see that the clustered index is still used for the count, because there isn't another index to use. But you will note a major difference here: batch mode (I talk a bit about batch mode on rowstore in a previous tip).While the estimated I/O and CPU costs are the same as before (61.03 and 1.83), the duration is reduced by nearly 20%. The memory grant is slightly higher, though, at 2.2MB.

Plan for query against t1 under 2019 compat

Similarly, the query against t2 uses batch mode to scan the non-clustered index, a benefit derived solely from the 2019 compat level. For a slightly higher memory grant (2.4MB), and the same estimated costs as the first query against t2, elapsed time is reduced by 30%.

Plan for query against t2 under 2019 compat

Included for completeness, the counts that use the columnstore:

Plan for query against t3 under 2019 compat

One observation about the COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE compression is that the plans don't account for this at all. I don't really trust all of the metrics from the plans just yet; I think some of these properties haven't adjusted to the inner workings of columnstore indexes. The estimated I/O cost for the archive compressed columnstore, which looks like it should fit on about 80 pages, is 0.003125; comparing that to the regular columnstore index, which requires almost 1,000 pages (so the I/O costs should be way different), but it is also estimated as 0.003125.

Plan for query against t4 under 2019 compat

Quick summary: While 2019 compatibility level doesn't offer any additional benefits to queries that can already take full advantage of batch mode for columnstore indexes, it does offer substantial improvements to COUNT(*) queries that can't use batch mode on rowstore indexes in earlier compat levels.


There are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • If you are upgrading to SQL Server 2019, also update the compat level to 150. Don't hold on to earlier compat levels, and make the new level a part of your testing process from the very beginning. A lot of the advanced changes they've made to query processing in SQL Server 2019 require the new compat level to have any effect whatsoever.
  • If you're going to create a columnstore index to help satisfy COUNT(*) queries, you should make sure that you choose a skinny, preferably non-nullable column that does not undergo modifications (so a create_date column would be a good candidate). Columnstore indexes are also most effective, generally, if the table doesn't experience a lot of deletes.
  • Some of the benefits of columnstore operations only work when all of the rowgroups are closed and compressed. You'll want to make sure you don't have any data sitting out in open, uncompressed delta stores. You can check for these using the following query:
  [table]   =,
  [index]   =,
  [state]   = ps.state_desc, 
  row_count = SUM(ps.total_rows),
  size_MB   = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,3), SUM(ps.size_in_bytes)/1024/1024.0)
FROM sys.dm_db_column_store_row_group_physical_stats AS ps
INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS I
    ON ps.[object_id] = i.[object_id] 
   AND ps.index_id = i.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t
    ON t.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
WHERE i.type = 6 -- nonclustered columnstore
GROUP BY,, ps.state_desc
ORDER BY [table]; 

Ideally, all the values in [state] will show as COMPRESSED.


If you are on (or are planning to move to) SQL Server 2017, and have costly COUNT(*) queries, you should also consider implementing columnstore indexes to reduce the pain of those queries. And if you are lucky enough to be on SQL Server 2019, there are plenty of other benefits that you will just "get for free" under the newer compatibility level.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Aaron Bertrand Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog,, and also blogs at

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Friday, January 17, 2020 - 7:57:19 AM - Ljubomir Buinjac Back To Top (83828)

Hey, this is great aticle for dbas, thanks a lot!

Thursday, January 9, 2020 - 10:33:06 AM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (83658)

@Stephen it is not, good catch, I'll have that fixed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020 - 4:13:39 AM - Stephen Keogh Back To Top (83657)

Hello Aaron

AND ps.index_id = ps.index_id < ==== Is this correct ? This is in the last set of code in the article

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