Shared Data Sources

  • I need help understanding ‘Shared Data Source’

    My thought was that I would create shared data sources in Report Manager, then my report developer would link to this source using BIDS and be provided the latest-n-greatest tables, views, stored procs, etc. for the reports. I have provided the credentials needed to run the reports via our office web portal in Report Manager.

    However when I start a report in BIDS and I go to Shared Data Sources > Add > Existing item, there is no way for me to link to this existing data source. If I choose New > Data Source from the Report Data window, there is a radio button for ‘Use shared data source reference’ – but my only option is New, then the database information and credentials have to be added again.

    I’m sure I’m missing the obvious … will someone please point me in the right direction?


  • Hello,

    Generally we create data source in every report, In case you have a common SQL query or DataSource for more than one report, you need not to create individual datasource for every report but you can create one Shared DataSource that can be accessible from all the reports of that Reporting Solution.

  • Hi, unfortunately not. You need to create the shared data sources in your report project in BIDS.

    The projects have no knowledge of what's on the report server itself.

    Data sources will be deployed to the report server when you deploy the project/solution.

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