SQL Server Port Number Script

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server Port Number Script

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    Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

  • Good script - Thank you.

    But it only runs for the server Iā€™m currently connected to. Did I misunderstand your sentence about iterating thru servers?


    --Vadim R.

  • It will iterate through server's if you are using a multi-server query that is available in SSMS2008, otherwise it will show just the server that you are querying against.

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    Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

  • That is a nice script indeed. Thanks.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • The multi-server query is a great addition to SSMS, I remember just a couple of years ago when you would have had to RDP into 70 servers to get this type of information (or run a script like this on 70 servers). Now with the multi server query you can look for Builtin\Administrators on all production servers, change the sa password in one swoop, determine if tempDB is on a seperate drive, etc...

    Now if Microsoft will just give us something like Oracle Data Guard and or Oracle RAC...

    /* ----------------------------- */
    Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

  • RegOpenKeyEx() returned error 2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.' :doze:

    this is on named instance of sql 2008 on 64-bit 2008 server

  • vlad-548036 (5/10/2010)

    RegOpenKeyEx() returned error 2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.' :doze:

    this is on named instance of sql 2008 on 64-bit 2008 server

    This script only works on the default instance, as the registry entry for named instances are stored elsewhere.

  • Exactly, I was just wondering whether you know where ?

  • vlad-548036 (5/26/2010)

    Exactly, I was just wondering whether you know where ?

    I meant to post this earlier. This works for me across my servers\instances.

    It's just a slightly amended version of the original.

    declare @Server as varchar(128)

    declare @KeyToInterogate as varchar(200)

    declare @Version as varchar (512)

    declare @PortNumber as varchar(8)

    set @Server = @@ServerName

    set @Version = left(@@Version, 38)


    if charindex('\',@@ServerName) > 0


    set @KeyToInterogate = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\'

    set @KeyToInterogate = @KeyToInterogate + substring(@@ServerName,charindex('\',@@ServerName) + 1,len(@@ServerName) - charindex('\',@@ServerName))

    set @KeyToInterogate = @KeyToInterogate + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'


    exec xp_regread

    @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',

    @key = @KeyToInterogate,

    @value_name = 'TcpPort',

    @value = @PortNumber output

    If @PortNumber <> '1433'


    print '*****server: ' + @server + ' is running on port ' + cast(@PortNumber as varchar) + '. Server is: ' + @Version


    else print 'server: ' + @server + ' is running on port ' + cast(@PortNumber as varchar) + '. Server is: ' + @Version

  • Excellent! šŸ™‚ Great job!

  • Thanks for the updated script.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • Good work...quick question...!

    If I want to change the port, how can I do that by using TSQL? A kind of reverse process to the work you did.

    Appreciate your time.

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