DTUTIL error

  • Hi,

    When I am running the dtutil command I am getting the below error.

    dtutil.exe /FILE C:\Program Files\Mariposa\Install\packages\Mariposa_etl_dw_combo_department_dim.dtsx /ENCRYPT /COPY SQL;Mariposa_etl_dw_combo_department_dim.dtsx;3;mppass /QUIET

    Error Message: Missing argument for option "encrypt".

    Thank you


  • The error message says it all.

    the /ENCRYPT switch has mandatory parameters. The syntax for this switch is

    /En[crypt] {SQL | FILE}; Path;ProtectionLevel[;password]

    Have a look at "Dtutil" in Books Online for more information

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I mentioned the command in my first post with /Encrypt command but still it's giving the error.

    Thank you


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