Store procedure in SQL Audit OnPostExecute, but it executes before finishing the dataflow in SSIS

  • I need to read the table sysssislog when it finishes because I want to make an update in my own audit table

    I have this store procedure in "SQL Audit OnPostExecute" (Project Real), but it executes before finishing the dataflow in SSIS:

    INSERT adm.Etlprocessaudit















    SELECT a.etlbatchaudit_oid, NULL, source AS process_nm, b.sourceid AS process_guid, executionid AS version_guid, @version_build AS version_build, MIN(starttime)AS exec_start_dt , MAX(endtime) AS exec_end_dt,

    (SELECT convert(VARCHAR,Max(b.endtime) - MIN(b.starttime),114))AS elapsed_time,

    operator AS exec_user_id, NULL AS exec_parm_str

    ,success_ind = case

    when datacode = 0 then 'C' --Complete

    else success_ind

    end --case

    ,datacode AS return_code

    ,NULL AS comments

    FROM adm.Etlbatchaudit a, dbo.sysssislog b

    WHERE a.etlbatchaudit_oid = @etlbatchaudit_oid

    AND a.executionguid = b.executionid

    GROUP BY a.etlbatchaudit_oid, source, b.sourceid, executionid, operator,success_ind, datacode

    What I'm doing wrong or when I can put this store procedure after the update of the table sysssislog

    Thanks in Advanced


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