renaming a server

  • SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server Name' returns 'OldName'

    I run

    sp_dropserver [OldName]


    sp_addserver [NewName], local


    returns error

    Msg 15190, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_dropserver, Line 56

    There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server 'OldName'.

    Msg 15028, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSaddserver_internal, Line 89

    The server 'NewName' already exists.

    I run

    sp_dropremotelogin [OldName]


    returns error

    Msg 15185, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_dropremotelogin, Line 68

    There is no remote user '(null)' mapped to local user '(null)' from the remote server 'OldName'.

    I think the server has been renamed by our network guys while replication is set up.

    Can anyone advise me how to drop the remote logins or linked logins and rename the server

    Thanks in advance

  • I had an issue like this before so I did a quick search to find what helped me and I realized it was not the same. But I ended up here.

    Check page 77,_recovery,_and_troubleshooting_(part_2).pdf

  • Thanks Jamie.

    Trouble is the physical machine has been renamed.

    when I try to disable replication I get the following error

    SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'OldName'. (Replication.Utilities)

  • I havn't run into this issue before so I'm not sure if I can provide any more help.. but the next things I would try is create an entry in the hosts file on the server with the old hostname and point it to localhost or the server IP. Then try and remove it in SSMS on the server.

  • I was unable to resolve this.

    Ended up reinstalling SQLSever while nobody was looking, and restored the databases.

    I was lucky this time, we had a maintenance window, but if anyone knows how it should be done I would be gratefull if you could share it with me.



  • Was sql server restarted after the appserver command execution was done?

    The local definition takes effect only after the server is shut down and restarted. Only one local server can be defined in each server.


  • MJ hit on it, after you rename SQL Server, you MUST restart the server.

  • The server was renamed months ago, the server has been shut down and restarted twice in Feb, so i would have to go with in this instance that is not the answer.

    Thanks all the same.


  • Hi, this is my first post. I have 15 days as a DBA.:-D

    I had the same issue and just solve it. I add the 'old server' alias in configuration manager, then disabled publication, and after that exec sp_dropserver and SP_ADDSERVER commands, drop 'old server' alias in configuration manager, and it worked. Sorry for my english. I hope this helps.

  • Welcome to the group.

    Thanks for the tip, I will keep it in mind if this reoccurs

  • Try dropping the distribution database via the cleanup sp, this effectively runs the menu command 'Remove Publishing and Distribution' but bypasses the checking. Run

    USE master


    EXEC sp_dropdistributor @no_checks = 1


    You should then be able to rename your SQL server with

    EXEC sp_dropserver ''


    EXEC sp_addserver '', 'local'


    but don't forget to restart the services or it won't take effect.

  • The Quest e-book , page #77 was an excellent tip. I have a crappy network that seems to decide on it's own whether DNS works or not. I had to rename the server to the FQDN, and couldnt because of replication which had linked server logins.

    Thanks Jamie !!

  • If you are getting this error because of sticky points due to replication run this:

    sp_dropdistpublisher 'bad server name'

    that should clear up the name mismatch on replication and allow you to change your server name as you noted in the origional post.

    thanks, ERH
  • I tried the disable of the publishing, but it still would not allow the connection to the alias.

    I ended up changing the server name back on the network, disabling replication, then dropping server and adding server as new name.

  • THIS, worked for me:

    select @@servername


    sp_helpremotelogin 'xxxx'

    --sp_dropremotelogin 'xxxx','DOMAIN\account'

    --sp_dropremotelogin 'xxxx'

    --sp_dropserver 'xxxx'

    sp_dropserver 'xxxx', 'droplogins'

    sp_addserver 'xxxx-new', local

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