DTS > ActiveX Script Task > Parse > Error on Line 2:

  • --------------------------------

    3/28/2008 1:09:15 AM

    3/28/2008 9:38:13 AM

    From: cLiff2noronha@gmaiL.com

    DTS > ActiveX Script Task > Parse > Error on Line 2: expected end of stmt


    How can I have a multi-line comment(s) in MS VBscript ?

    Script is attached.

    I am trying to replace ssis syntax with simpler DTS syntax from a book , msdn website , BoL etc.

    In Active X , when I Parse >

    Getting Error on Line 2: expected end of stmt


    ' tweaked to create filename from today's date and deliver it as input to FTP Task

    Function Main ()

    Dim FTP_FileName as string

    Dim @Today As String

    'comment _Today = Format(DateTime.Now.Subtract(New TimeSpan(23, 0, 0)), "MMddyyyy")

    ' @Today = Format$ (Date$ () , "MMddyyyy")

    @Today = FormatDateTime ( Date , 2 )

    Dim variables As Variable

    If Dts.Variables.Contains("User::V_FileName") = True Then

    Dts.Variables("User::V_FileName").Value = "/phlw/IPM_Wealth_Report_" + @Today + ".xls"

    End If

    If Dts.Variables.Contains("User::V_DMIReportLocal") = True Then

    Dts.Variables("User::V_DMIReportLocal").Value = "E:\Logs\DMI\Current\IPM_Wealth_Report_" + @Today + ".xls"

    End If

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    FTP_FileName = Dts.Variables("User::V_FileName").Value

    DTSGlobalVariables("FTP_FileName").Value = FTP_FileName

    If DTSGlobalVariables("FTP_FileName").Value <> "" Then

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

    End If

    End Function

    ' R&D ---


    FormatDateTime( )

  • VBScript doesn't support mulit-line comment blocks. You're going to have to treat each line as a single-line comment.

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