Send query result as HTML Mail

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Send query result as HTML Mail

  • Article says "SQLServer 2000 and Windows 2000 ONLY" - will this not work in XP?

    How best to post your question[/url]
    How to post performance problems[/url]
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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • This script is working on SQL 2000 / Windows 2003 server.

    I do not test it on other configuration.

    But I suppose that that should work.

    Daniel Eyer

  • This still has the 8000 character limitation does it not?

    Has anyone found a way around that? Is it possible to bypass this with 2005?

  • can any body tell how to email from sql

  • I am setting up trigger to send out query results and this is exactly what I needed.

    It works perfectly. Whoever you are, thanks a bunch!!!

    This is awesome.:-D

  • yes this does work well but the only issue l am having is the header row on the query is 2 rows high for some reason. Anyone esle having the same issue

  • Can anyone help me with this sp to include the ability to add a header before the results anda footer after the results. I have teried but the results keep generating erratically.

  • Can anyone help me with this sp to include the ability to add a header before the results anda footer after the results. I have teried but the results keep generating erratically.

  • Hi All,

    I have created the same Stored proc & execute the SP as

    exec sp_send_MailHtml

    '', --SMTP Server


    '', --From

    '', --To

    '', --CC

    '', --CCi

    'Test Page', --Subject

    'select top 2 * from superaccesslevels..totaldatabase'

    But i have not received any mail.

    Can someone plz let me now what is the issue in this & how to resolve it ?


  • Hi,

    1-Remove 'webmail.'

    2-The data result of the query need to be strings. For date or numeric field, use convert() function


    exec sp_send_MailHtml

    '', --SMTP Server

    '', --From

    '', --To

    '', --CC

    '', --CCi

    'Test Page', --Subject

    'select top 2 Field1,Field2

    from superaccesslevels..totaldatabase'

  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks 4 reply.

    Still i am not receiving any mail.i have made the changes as per ur suggestion.

    exec sp_send_MailHtml

    '', --SMTP Server

    '', --From

    '', --To

    '', --CC

    '', --CCi

    'Test Page', --Subject

    'select top 2 * from superaccesslevels..totaldatabase'

    The store proc sp_send_MailHtml is as follows :



    create PROCEDURE sp_send_MailHtml

    @SmtpServer varchar(128),

    @From varchar(128),

    @To varchar(128),

    @cc varchar(128),

    @BCc varchar(128),

    @Subject varchar(124)=" ",

    @Query varchar(4000) = " "


    * Date: March 2008

    * Author:

    * Project: Just for fun!

    * Location: Any database

    * Permissions: PUBLIC EXECUTE


    * Description: Send query result as HTML Mail





    --Mail declaration

    Declare @iMsg int

    Declare @hr int

    Declare @source varchar(255)

    Declare @description varchar(500)

    Declare @output varchar(1000)

    --HTML declaration

    declare @Columns varchar(8000)

    declare @ColHeader varchar(8000)

    Declare @SqlCmd varchar(8000)

    Declare @HTMLBody varchar(8000)

    --************* Create the CDO.Message Object ************************

    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @iMsg OUT

    --***************Configuring the Message Object ******************

    -- This is to configure a remote SMTP server.


    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Configuration.fields("").Value','2'

    -- This is to configure the Server Name or IP address.

    -- Replace MailServerName by the name or IP of your SMTP Server.

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Configuration.fields("").Value', @SmtpServer

    -- Save the configurations to the message object.

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null

    -- Set the e-mail parameters.

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'To', @To

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'From', @From

    If(@Cc Is Not Null)

    Exec @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Cc', @cc

    If(@BCc Is Not Null)

    Exec @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'BCc', @BCc

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Subject', @Subject

    -- If you are using HTML e-mail, use 'HTMLBody' instead of 'TextBody'.

    -- EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'HTMLBody', @Body


    -- drop temporary tables used.

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml1')

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml1

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml2')

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml2

    -- prepare query

    set @SqlCmd = 'select * into ##tempHTML1 from (' + @Query + ') as t1'

    execute (@SqlCmd)

    --Prepare columns details

    SELECT @columns =

    COALESCE(@columns + ' + ''</td><td>'' + ', '') +

    'RTrim(convert(varchar(100),isnull(' + column_name +','' '')))'

    FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns

    where table_name='##tempHTML1'

    --Prepare column Header

    set @colHeader = '<tr bgcolor=#EDFEDF align=Left>'

    SELECT @colHeader = @colHeader + '<td><b>' + column_name + '</b></td>'

    FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns where table_name='##tempHTML1'

    set @colHeader=@colHeader + '</tr>'

    --prepare final output

    set @SqlCmd =

    'Select ''<tr><td>'' + ' +

    @columns +

    ' ''</td></tr> '' into ##tempHTML2 from ##tempHTML1 '

    execute( @SqlCmd)

    --set @finalhtmlout=

    set @HtmlBody =

    ' <html> <body><style type="text/css" media="all"> ' +

    'table { margin-bottom: 2em; border-collapse: collapse } ' +

    'td,th {border= 1 solid #999; padding: 0.2em 0.2em; font-size: 12;} ' +

    '</style> <table width="100%"> ' +


    select @HtmlBody = @HtmlBody + [</td></tr>]

    from ##tempHTML2

    set @HtmlBody = @HtmlBody + ' </table></body></htmL>'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'HTMLBody', @HtmlBody

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Send', NULL

    -- drop temporary tables used.

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml1')

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml1

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml2')

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml2


    -- Sample error handling.

    /* IF @hr <>0

    select @hr


    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @source OUT, @description OUT

    IF @hr = 0


    SELECT @output = ' Source: ' + @source

    PRINT @output

    SELECT @output = ' Description: ' + @description

    PRINT @output




    PRINT ' sp_OAGetErrorInfo failed.'





    -- Do some error handling after each step if you need to.

    -- Clean up the objects created.

    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @iMsg

  • I modified the HTML generating portion of the code to handle column names with spaces and numbers, and also column values with numeric values that might also have null values. The code also uses varchar(max) instead of varchar(8000). This portion is shown here encapsulated in its own stored proc. It writes the results to a temp table.

    CREATE PROC [QueryToHTML](@Query Varchar(MAX))






    -- drop temporary tables used.


    FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects

    WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml1' )

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml1


    FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects

    WHERE name = '##TEMPhtml2' )

    DROP TABLE ##TEMPhtml2

    -- prepare query

    SET @SqlCmd = 'select * into ##tempHTML1 from (' + @Query + ') as t1'

    EXECUTE (@SqlCmd)

    --Prepare columns details

    SELECT @columns = COALESCE(@columns + ' + ''</td><td>'' + ' , '')

    + 'RTrim(isnull(convert(varchar(100),' + '[' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),column_name) + ']'

    + '),'' ''))'

    FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = '##tempHTML1'

    --Prepare column Header

    SET @colHeader = '<tr bgcolor=#EDFEDF align=Left>'

    SELECT @colHeader = @colHeader + '<td><b>' + column_name

    + '</b></td>'

    FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = '##tempHTML1'

    SET @colHeader = @colHeader + '</tr>'

    --prepare final output

    SET @SqlCmd = 'Select ''<tr><td>'' + ' + @columns

    + ' + ''</td></tr> '' as Cmd into ##tempHTML2 from ##tempHTML1 '

    EXECUTE( @SqlCmd);

    --set @finalhtmlout=

    SET @HtmlBody = ' <html> <body><style type="text/css" media="all"> '

    + 'table { margin: 2em 2em 2em 3em; border-collapse: collapse; width:75%;} '

    + 'td,th {min-width: 55px; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none; border-color: #DCDCDC; padding: 0.2em 0.2em; font-size: 12;} '

    + '</style> <table> ' + @colHeader

    SELECT @HtmlBody = @HtmlBody + Cmd + '</td></tr>'

    FROM ##tempHTML2


    FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects

    WHERE name = '##HTMLFinal' )




    SELECT @HtmlBody + ' </table></body></htmL>' AS html

    INTO ##HTMLFinal


  • Hi,

    What permission needs regular users to execute the SP?

    I'm receiving error: "Invalid object name '##tmpHtml2'." with regular users and with users within the db_owner group.

    The only way I can execute the query is when sa user.


  • Rookie>>

    I am not sure about this. My idea would be that you need to have read/write/create/drop permissions to the tempdb. I would start by googling that?

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