How to create SysAdmin Login and Associate SysAdmin User with it in a database

  • Hello Everybody,

    I received a SQL Server 2005 database backup (say Sales database) and after restoring it I found that it has "sys" and "sysadmin" as database users defined in it.

    Sysadmin Case:

    Now, that Application I received tries to connect to Sales database using "sysadmin" and it fails.

    I tried to create a Login with the same name, it failed by saying "Server-principal 'sysadmin' already exists", so joining User and Login didn't happen.

    Sys Case:

    I expanded the database tree and opened the properties of "sys" user it doesn't show me its link with sys login though sys login exists in my SQL server.

    I will appreciate your assistance to resolve this issue at the earliest.

  • Try the following:

    go to the properties of the 'sysadmin' login and make sure that it has permissions to access your new database. I guess it mightnot have permissions. grant permissions and it might help.


  • Look up sp_change_users_login as well. you might need to relink the login and user.

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