Using SMO with Powershell

  • I'm new at SMO and new at Powershell. My eventual goal in the script below is to loop through all user databases on a single SQL Server and reverse engineer database object permissions to a file (one file for each database). At this point I'm trying to do this for all user tables, but I can't seem to figure out how to script out only object permissions. Can someone point me in the right direction?



    Here's the script so far...



    $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

    $ScriptOpts = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions





    $servers = "SQLServerA"

    foreach ($server in $servers)


    write-host "Details of the Server :" $server

    write-host "-----------------------------------"

    $Server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") "$server"

    write-host "Server Version: " $Server.Serverversion

    write-host "Server Name: " $Server.Information.VersionString

    foreach($database in $Server.databases)


    write-host "Database:" $

    foreach($table in $database.tables)


    write-host "Table: "$





  • I would say you are new to SMO also to fix your code:

    1. You misspelled permission instead of permissions and need to use the Powershell $true builtin variable:

    $ScriptOpts.Permissions = $true

    2. The ScriptingOptions needs to be referenced in the Script() method constructor:


    3. You can use a regular expression to filter out just the permission statements:

    $table.Script($ScriptOpts) | where {"$_" -match "GRANT" -or "$_" -match "DENY"}

  • Thanks for your help. I haven't had time to try out your changes yet, but I did find another article that I think will be helpful to me as well from

    Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part 9

    By Muthusamy Anantha Kumar aka The MAK

    Using PowerShell and SMO to Generate an SQL Server Script

  • Setting PrimaryObjects to false works for scripting permissions-only for tables, views and UDFs.

    However for sprocs it doesn't - the whole sproc is scripted with the permissions at the end.

    Your idea of filtering the piped output is fine - except when scripting directly to file.

    Am I misunderstanding what PrimaryObjects really means, or is this a bug?

    BTW for completeness there should be REVOKE on your list too 🙂

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