Adding a Header Row to a SSIS package exporting out as XML

  • I've been asked to create an SSIS package to export data out as and XML file.

    I've got the xml file down but now the customer is wanting a header row added to the first line of the xml file.

    I've tried adding it in the Header row for the flat file destination but getting an error that it cannot parse the Header file.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance


  • What do you mean by a header row? By definition XML doesn't have rows, it has elements and attributes.

  • I had created the SSIS package to pull just the student data.

    What the vendor was wanting was the XML information <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> added to the first row of the extract.

    I finally found the place to add it and how to add it after several searches.


  • Please post your solution!


  • In the heading area when setting up the destination file I had to add in <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    That gave me what the vendor was needing in the file.

  • If you can possibly describe how you get the file to output, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I have a query where I can get the XML that I need, but When I run the query with 'Results to text' or 'Results to file' selected, the text or file contains a line starting with the characters "XML..." and a second line containing dashes '--------------...'

    I just need the XML in a file.

    Thanks for any direction that you may provide!

  • Here is how I setup my SQL Script to pull the data into an XML File.

    SELECT(select s.StudentNumber As DisplayID, s.PersonID AS ExternalAccountID, sc.number AS SchoolID,s.FirstName, s.LastName, s.Gender,

    CONVERT(varchar,s.birthdate,101) AS Birthdate, s.Grade AS GradeLevel,

    CASE WHEN ts.PhysicalDate IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(varchar,ts.physicaldate,101)ELSE '' END As LastPhysicalDate,

    MAX(CASE WHEN pe.eligibility ='F' THEN '3'WHEN pe.eligibility = 'R' THEN '2'ELSE '1'END) As EconomicIndicator

    FROM student s

    JOIN SchoolYear sy ON sy.endYear = s.endYear

    LEFT JOIN TempScreening ts ON ts.personid = s.personID

    JOIN calendar ca ON ca.calendarID = s.calendarID

    JOIN School sc ON sc.schoolID = ca.schoolid

    LEFT JOIN POSEligibility pe on pe.personid = s.personid

    where studentnumber IS NOT NULL and = 1 and s.endDate IS NULL or s.endDate >=GETDATE()

    AND ca.schoolID NOT IN( 12,13,32,16,34,14,15,25)

    GROUP BY s.studentNumber, s.personID, sc.number,s.firstName, s.lastName,s.gender, s.birthdate, s.grade,ts.physicaldate

    FOR XML PATH('Student'), root('Students')

    )as Data

    Hope this helps

  • Forgot to mention. I'm running mine in an SSIS package so just created a Flat File destination to send the file.

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