Display "All" for Header in case of Multiple Parameter

  • I am trying to display multiple parameter in the header when a person selects them from a list.

    So, I use this in the text box expressions:

    = "Gross Total For : " & Join(Parameters!TeamName.Value, ",")

    How can I select the "Select All "Option and display "All" instead of displaying 50 names.

  • Here's a couple of ways to try assuming that you're filling your list from a query.

    ="Gross Total For : " & iif(Parameters!TeamName.Count = count(Fields!TeamName.Value,"DataSetName"),"All", Join(Parameters!TeamName.Value, ","))

    ="Gross Total For : " & IIF(COUNTROWS("DataSetName").Equals(Parameters!TeamName.Count),"All", Join(Parameters!TeamName.Value, ","))

    Everything is awesome!

  • Will try. Thanks

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