Version Breakdown

  • Currently we store our version as a string in a table. I need to break this into ints for comparison. Below is the code that functionally works the way I want it to. Is there a better pattern I should use?

    DECLARE @Version Varchar(50),

    @dbReleaseIndex smallint, @dbMajor smallint , @dbMinor smallint ,@dbBuild smallint ,

    @dbServicePack smallint ,@dbRevision smallint , @i tinyint=0,@DotIndex tinyint,@LastDotIndex tinyint

    SET @Version = '107.1055.0403.1001.110.1011'+'.'

    WHILE @i <=5


    IF @i=0


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,1)

    SET @dbReleaseIndex = SUBSTRING(@Version,1,@DotIndex-1)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    IF @i=1


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,@LastDotIndex)

    SET @dbMajor = SUBSTRING(@Version,@LastDotIndex,@DotIndex-@LastDotIndex)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    IF @i=2


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,@LastDotIndex)

    SET @dbMinor = SUBSTRING(@Version,@LastDotIndex,@DotIndex-@LastDotIndex)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    IF @i=3


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,@LastDotIndex)

    SET @dbBuild = SUBSTRING(@Version,@LastDotIndex,@DotIndex-@LastDotIndex)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    IF @i=4


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,@LastDotIndex)

    SET @dbServicePack = SUBSTRING(@Version,@LastDotIndex,@DotIndex-@LastDotIndex)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    IF @i=5


    SET @DotIndex = CHARINDEX('.',@version,@LastDotIndex)

    SET @dbRevision = SUBSTRING(@Version,@LastDotIndex,@DotIndex-@LastDotIndex)

    SET @LastDotIndex = @DotIndex+1


    SET @i= @i+1


    SELECT @Version as TheVersion,

    @dbReleaseIndex as dbReleaseIndex,

    @dbMajor as dbMajor,

    @dbMinor as dbMinor,

    @dbBuild as dbBuild,

    @dbServicePack as dbServicePack,

    @dbRevision as dbRevision

  • Quick question, what is the driver for improvements if this works?


  • This uses Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K function posted at If you aren't familiar with it yet, take the time to acquainted with it. It's well worth the read and will change your expectations of performance when it comes to splitting strings.

    create table test (

    version varchar(50) not null);

    insert into test(version) values('107.1055.0403.1001.110.1011');

    insert into test(version) values('108.1055.0403.0110.001.0100');

    select version,

    release = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 1 then s.item end),

    major = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 2 then s.item end),

    minor = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 3 then s.item end),

    build = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 4 then s.item end),

    service_pack = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 5 then s.item end),

    revision = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 6 then s.item end)

    from test

    cross apply DelimitedSplit8K(version, '.') s

    group by version;

  • I gotta stop using loops! I know the tally works better. Thanks for the reminder. Worked great.

  • JKSQL (5/9/2014)

    I gotta stop using loops! I know the tally works better. Thanks for the reminder. Worked great.

    If possible why not break this into separate columns? Saves a lot of headaches when you have proper normalization. You are using a single column to hold 6 values. Then if you want to have the full version put together you could use a computed column.

    Something like this would be a lot easier to work with.

    create table AppVersion


    Release smallint not null,

    Major smallint not null,

    Minor smallint not null,

    Build smallint not null,

    ServicePack smallint not null,

    Revision smallint not null,

    FullVersion as cast(Release as varchar) + '.'

    + cast(Major as varchar) + '.'

    + cast(Minor as varchar) + '.'

    + cast(Build as varchar) + '.'

    + cast(ServicePack as varchar) + '.'

    + cast(Revision as varchar)


    insert AppVersion

    select 107, 1055, 0403, 1001, 110, 1011

    select *

    from AppVersion


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

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