How to Create custom error log

  • Hi All,

    I am new to ssis ,i want to send customized email notification in the below scenario

    i am uploading an excel generic file data to table table say table1 ,while in the ETL process one unique key will generate with combination columns (columns1+column2+ column 3)

    Now if some data missed in the any of columns (columns1+column2+ column 3) ,unique key will not generate ,that means these are mandatory fields ,so while uploading file if data is missed we need send an email to users say "particular column values are not updated" like that

    Can anybody please help me for solving this issue .

  • I use an Exec SQL task. Create a data source that connects to msdb and use the system stored procedure dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    Here is the TechNet article describing it:

  • your title says logging. after you send the email, no bother to insert a row into a table you create for the purpose of capturing things like this. That would fit the definition of custom logging.

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