Subreport left padding not working

  • I have developed a report which contains a matrix followed by a list object.

    Within the list object I have a subreport followed by an image and followed by a subreport.

    Environment 2008 R2.

    The subreports content are a single tablix with data row only no header.

    All tablixs are populated via query datasets within the respective reports.

    The issue is that the left padding is not being recognized in the BIDS environment.

    I ran this in Report builder 2 locally and the error message of subreport not found is indented with the padding as I would expect the subreport detail to be.

    The end result is that this is in a Visual Studio developed application displaying the report in local mode of the Reportviewer version 10. SP1. Before anyone suggests I am in the wrong forum I am also going to ask the question there specifically referring to the viewer control. However, since I also have the same issue in BIDS I am curious if anyone has an answer to why the left padding of the subreport object within the Main report is being ignored.

    I have added a border style of solid and width of one point to every item. They are displayed but again no padding.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


  • I have continued to research this item and what I find consistent is that the padding property will work when you apply it to a text field either standalone or a cell within tablix/table. Additionally the padding will work when then object is an image. However if you are trying to apply padding to the control itself. It is not rendered as expected. So it appears when it renders a byte stream either orignated from ascii or binary data it works but not with a non data object such as a control itself.

    There have been many views of this post but no replies. I would be interested to know if any of those views are having a similar issue and looking at this post to see if there is a resolution.

    Any feedback is welcome and appreciated, which may allow me to confirm my findings or resolve the issue.


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