SQL Script to find last full backup size

  • Hi Guys,

    I need sql query to find only last full backup size on shared drive or network location.

    for eg: \\\sql_backup\test.bak

    size: 1GB

    if full backup perform yesterday then i want to retrieve the size of last full backup only.

    SQL Server version: 2005/2008


  • Try this .. You can add a filter for Backup Location in the Where Clause ..

    SELECT bs.database_name AS DbName

    , CAST ( bs.backup_size / 1024.0 / 1024 / 1024 AS DECIMAL(10, 2) ) AS BackupSize_GB

    , bs.backup_start_date AS Backup_StartDate

    , bs.backup_finish_date AS Backup_EndDate

    , bs.name AS BackupName

    , bmf.physical_device_name AS DeviceName

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf

    ON bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id

    WHERE bs.database_name = 'DB_Name' and bs.backup_start_date <= DateAdd(hh, -24, GETDATE()) and bs.type = 'D'

    order by bs.backup_start_date desc



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