sqlsafe restore

  • I need to restore lastest full backup and latest differential backup file using xp_ss_restore

    I am using this command. But I'm getting follwoing error. Can you please help?

    xp_ss_restore did not complete. An error(0,1) was encountered. Please check the parameters and their values. [v4.6.0.0]

    SQLsafeCmd output:


    SQLsafe Enterprise-scale Backup and Recovery CLI Version 4.6.312.4023

    Copyright (c) 2004-2007 BBS Technologies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.


    1 is an invalid parameter for Restore.

    --- End of SQLsafeCmd output ---

    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 14

    One or more operations failed to complete.

    DECLARE @ResultCode INT

    EXEC @ResultCode = [master].[dbo].[xp_ss_restore]

    @database = 'NewDB',

    @filename = '\\Server\Z$\afull_201403091027.safe',

    @withmove = '"NewDB_Data""F:\SQLData\NewDB_New_Data.MDF"',

    @withmove = '"NewDB_Log""G:\SQLData\NewDB_New_log.LDF"',

    @disconnectusers = '1',

    @server = 'MyServer'


    IF(@ResultCode != 0)

    RAISERROR('One or more operations failed to complete.', 16, 1);

  • It looks like you have a comma missing after @server ~.

    Details of my similar project here ...


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