failed to convert parameter value from a string to a double

  • I have a stored procedure on a SQL 2005 DB that retrieves data from a mysql DB on another server (none of this was set up by myself)

    The sp is as follows:

    USE [InSightLiveData]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates] Script Date: 03/05/2014 15:40:07 ******/





    --ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_TestFunc] ( @Adviser int, @InitialDate datetime, @FinalDate datetime ) RETURNS float

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates] (

    @Adviser varchar(10),

    @InitialDate varchar(10),

    @FinalDate varchar(10),

    @hours float out )



    --declare @hours float

    declare @sql as nvarchar(1000)

    declare @linkedserversql as nvarchar(1000)

    declare @param_definition as nvarchar(1000)

    -- set @sql = 'call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates(''62843'',''2014-01-27'',''2014-02-23'');';

    -- select @hours = total_time_decimal from openquery(fleximysql, @sql );

    --select @hours = total_time_decimal from openquery(fleximysql, 'call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates(''62843'',''+ @InitialDate +'',''2014-02-23'');');

    -- the one below works for literal values only

    --select @hours = total_time_decimal from openquery(fleximysql, 'call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates(''62843'',''2014-01-27'',''2014-02-23'');');

    --exec('call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates(''62843'',''2014-01-27'',''2014-02-23'');') at fleximysql;

    --exec('select ? = count(*) from flexi.work_time', @hours output) at fleximysql;

    --exec('select ? = max(time_worked) from flexi.work_time', @hours output) at fleximysql;

    set @linkedserversql = 'call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates('+@adviser+','''+@initialdate+''','''+ @finaldate +''')';

    set @sql = 'select @hoursout = total_time_decimal from openquery(fleximysql, ''' + Replace(@linkedserversql,'''','''''') + ''')'

    set @param_definition = '@hoursout float out'; --, @adviserin varchar(12)' --, @InitialDate datetime, @FinalDate datetime';

    execute sp_executesql @sql, @param_definition, @hoursout=@hours out; --, @adviserin='2014-01-27'; --, @InitialDate, @FinalDate;


    If I run exec('call flexi.GetHoursWorkedBetweenDates(''62843'',''2014-01-27'',''2014-02-23'');') at fleximysql; on the SQL server iot works fine but when I set up a new SSRS report calling the stored procedure I get the error:

    failed to convert parameter value from a string to a double

    When I run the stored procedure in visual studio I have tried all the different ways of entering the values for the dates I can think of but I still get the error.

    I'm not sure why the date parameters in the sp are set as varchars, I can only wonder if it's to be compatible with the mysql DB.



  • I'm not really familiar with accessing MySQL from a linked server, but I'd suggest converting the @advisor to a compatible data type when passing it to sp_ExecuteSql

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