how can I update an xml by variable?

  • Hello

    I want to update my xml node by a variable, I use code bellow, but it didn't work could you help me.

    declare @urlRedirect nvarchar(4000)

    set @urlRedirect=N''

    declare @userxml xml

    set @userxml=N'<user>






    <time>02/08/2014 08:08:57 ق.ظ</time>














    SET @Userxml.modify('replace value of (/urlarea/url/text())[1] with sql:variable("@urlRedirect")')

    select @userxml

  • The query just has an incorrect path, this works:


    declare @urlRedirect nvarchar(4000)

    set @urlRedirect=N''

    declare @userxml xml

    set @userxml=N'<user>






    <time>02/08/2014 08:08:57 ?.?</time>














    SET @Userxml.modify('replace value of (/user/urlarea/url/text())[1] with sql:variable("@urlRedirect")')

    select @userxml

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