Creating an "other" group

  • Hi everyone

    One of the tasks that I have not been getting close to solving is showing an

    "other" group in my bar charts.

    Once again, I am looking at a sales report and I have a small number of large customers and many small customers. I have created a report which shows the top X customers as ranked by sales or whatever but in the case of top 10 customers I would like to have an eleventh category named "other" which shows the sales of all the non-top 10 companies.

    Crystal seems to do this quite well, SSRS and Pie Charts maybe... kinda does it if you can define a fixed cutoff but I just don't see an easy way to do anything with bar charts.

    Has anyone run across a solution?

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    Tom D

  • It'easy with a Pie Chart.

    With a Bar Chart you have to rearrange your Dataset and aggregate your small data in a single slice.

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