Read all values from an xml node

  • Hi All,

    I have the following code and trouble reading values of Bank Accounts. If i remove the line it says "xmlns="" then i my query is working. But i cant remove this becasue that is what i will get response from a web service. All the records are stored in the database with this line included. Please help. Also please specify if there is any easy way to read these values.


    SET @MyXML = '<GetEmployeeDetails xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <return xmlns="">

    <CustomerID> A8339 </CustomerID>








    pref.value('./text()[1]', 'varchar(MAX)') AS 'BankAccount'

    FROM @MyXML.nodes('//GetEmployeeDetails/return/BankAccounts/child::node()') AS RequestXml(pref)

    where pref.value('local-name(.)[1]', 'varchar(100)') ='BankAccount'



  • You could ignore the namespace by using a pseudo-namespace and a * to name all namespaces:




    pref.value('./text()[1]', 'varchar(MAX)') AS 'BankAccount'

    FROM @MyXML.nodes('//*:GetEmployeeDetails/*:return/*:BankAccounts/child::node()') AS RequestXml(pref)

    where pref.value('local-name(.)[1]', 'varchar(100)') ='BankAccount'

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  • Thank you LutzM.

    Can you also tell me how to get the CustomerID in the resultset ?

    SO the output should looks like:

    A8339 123456

    A8339 7890123

    Thank you all.

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