Analyzing Dangerous Settings in SQL Server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Analyzing Dangerous Settings in SQL Server


  • What is meant by "dangerous" settings? Are the security issues, loss of data issues? Please explain.

  • This would had been a lot better if you had provided short explanations of the setting, and why there could be problems.

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  • I have modified the script to avoid sp_configure and cursors.


    WITH cteConfigValues AS



    ConfigurationName = [name]


    ,CurrentValue =

    CASE [value_in_use]

    WHEN 0 THEN 0

    ELSE 1






    [name] IN


    'affinity64 mask'

    ,'affinity I/O mask'

    ,'affinity64 I/O mask'

    ,'lightweight pooling'

    ,'priority boost'

    ,'max worker threads'

    ,'show advanced options'



    ,cteWarnings AS



    ConfigurationName = 'maxworkerthreads'

    ,CurrentValue = 1

    ,Warning =

    'Max Work Threads setting my cause blocking and thread pool issues/errors.

    When all worker threads are active with long running queries, SQL Server may appear unresponsive until

    a worker thread completes and becomes available. Though not a defect, this can sometimes be undesirable.

    If a process appears to be unresponsive and no new queries can be processed, then connect to SQL Server

    using the dedicated administrator connection (DAC), and kill the process.

    ** Only use if requested by Microsoft Support **

    The default value for this option in sp_configure is 0.'



    ConfigurationName = 'priorityboost'

    ,CurrentValue = 1

    ,Warning =

    '"Boost SQL Server priority" setting will drain OS and network functions and causes issues/errors.

    Raising the priority too high may drain resources from essential operating system and network functions,

    resulting in problems shutting down SQL Server or using other operating system tasks on the server.

    ** Only use if requested by Microsoft Support **

    The default value for this option in sp_configure is 0.'



    ConfigurationName = 'lightweightpooling'

    ,CurrentValue = 1

    ,Warning =

    '"Use Windows fibers (lightweight pooling)". By setting lightweight pooling to 1 causes SQL Server to switch

    to fiber mode scheduling. Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling.

    Disable one of two options: "clr enabled" or "lightweight pooling". Features that rely upon CLR and that do

    not work properly in fiber mode include the hierarchy data type, replication, and Policy-Based Management.

    CLR, replication and extended stored procedures will fail and/or not work.

    ** Only use if requested by Microsoft Support **

    The default value for this option in sp_configure is 0.'



    ConfigurationName = 'affinitymask'

    ,CurrentValue = 1

    ,Warning =

    'I/O and processor affinity changes will cause strange issues/errors and is not necessary on and 64 bit server.

    Do not configure CPU affinity in the Windows operating system and also configure the affinity mask in SQL Server.

    These settings are attempting to achieve the same result, and if the configurations are inconsistent, you may have

    unpredictable results. SQL Server CPU affinity is best configured using the sp_configure option in SQL Server.

    Using the GUI, under server properties select the "Automatically set processor affinity mask for all processors" and

    select the "Automatically set I/O affinity mask for all processors". This will correct the issues.

    ** Only use if requested by Microsoft Support **

    The default value for this option in sp_configure is 0.'





    ,CurrentValue = A.[value_in_use]

    ,Warning = CAST(ISNULL(B.Warning,'No warning necessary. The value for this configuration option is the default.') AS xml)


    cteConfigValues A


    cteWarnings B

    ON REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(A.ConfigurationName,' ',''),'I/O',''),'64','') = B.ConfigurationName

    AND A.CurrentValue = B.CurrentValue


  • bgrossnickle (9/12/2013)

    What is meant by "dangerous" settings? Are the security issues, loss of data issues? Please explain.


    "Dangerous setting" doesn't mean that your SQL Server will die or become unsecure. In this case it means that these setting, if not set/used properly then your SQL Server will not perform to its fullest capacity.

    A lot of people change and play with these setting thinking that it will increase performance and it could if you really understand what they do and how your SQL Server is setup. It is recommended by Microsoft to leave these setting to default unless you are instructed by Microsoft support.

    I wrote this script because I see that people play with these settings all the time and then ask me why the SQL Server is having performance issues.

    Hope this explanation helps,



  • I think adding the list of dangerous settings with short explanations to the text of your post would make this a better article. While that information does reside in the SQL code, you either have to run the code or scroll through the code to see those explanations. A good idea that just needs a little re-formatting.

    Thanks for posting it!

  • KWymore (9/12/2013)

    I think adding the list of dangerous settings with short explanations to the text of your post would make this a better article. While that information does reside in the SQL code, you either have to run the code or scroll through the code to see those explanations. A good idea that just needs a little re-formatting.

    Thanks for posting it!

    Thanks for you comment. Yes, I could have place the explanations in the post however people won't remember the post so I thought it would be better in the script since it is quite small. Also, as good DBA you should be reading over any code before executing it. I will keep that in mind the next time I submit some script.




  • Thanks to all the folks who made comments and helped clear up the same questions I had. And thanks Rudy - good to know that mucking about with these settings could cause problems!


  • Thanks for the script.

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