Job failing with errors 7399 and 7312

  • I had a nightly job running fine for a number of weeks then it started failing, first intermittently, and now continuously with the error:

    "OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' reported an error. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7399) [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7312). The step failed."

    The job runs a stored procedure on a NT4/SQL Server 7 server which involves updating a Linked Server (W2K/SQL Server 2000). The stored procedure hasn't been changed, nor are there any other jobs or backups running on either server at the time the job runs.

    If I run the job manually from within EM then it'll run after 1 or 2 attempts.

    Any ideas?

  • Could it be a remote login timeout?

    How does a Query Analyzer select from the linked server perform?


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • I don't think it is a timeout problem as I think SQL Server 7's default is 0 (i.e. no time out). Anyhow, it fails after 4-5 seconds.

    I can Select using QA from the linked server no problem. But then again, this job used to do that no problem!

  • I don’t have a solution, but have done a fair bit of searching on 7399 and 7370 errors for linked servers. You could check out an old web-cast on linked servers:

    Do a search for 7399 within this transcript as it is very long – the first suggestion is "In Query Analyzer, you'd want to type dbcc traceon (7300, 3604). Then you'd execute your linked server query that's raising the error. The 7300 trace flag receives additional error information from the OLE DB provider, and the 3604 trace flag shows that information to the client."

    Another thing to quickly check is that if your ‘remote query timeout’ is not set to 0 then you are likely to have problems irrespective of how long the timeout is set for (this can throw an error before timing out and isn't always consistent).

    Good luck,


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