how to use opendatasource for exec sp with output parameter

  • hello all.

    I wanna execute sp with output parameter by use opendatasource.i use this script for it:

    exec('exec OPENDATASOURCE(''sqloledb'',''Data Source=ip; User ID=sa;Password=123'').documentdatabase.dbo.GLB_ConcatUploadedFilePart''' +@TBL_UserID+''','+@TBL_IdBody+'output')

    and type of @TBL_IdBody is varbinary(max).when execute

    declare @TBL_IdBody varbinary(max),@TBL_UserID int

    set @TBL_UserID=1

    set @TBL_IdBody=cast('' as varbinary(max))

    exec('exec OPENDATASOURCE(''sqloledb'',''Data Source=; User ID=sa;Password=123abc%'').documentdatabase.dbo.GLB_ConcatUploadedFilePart''' +@TBL_UserID+''','+@TBL_IdBody +'output')

    select @TBL_IdBody

    get error:Implicit conversion from data type nvarchar to varbinary(max) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

    what do i do for solve this problem?how to use opendatasource for exec sp with output parameter?

  • So the simplest would be to defined a linked server, then you would not need to use dynamic SQL, but you could make a plain procedure call.

    But to continue on the track where you are right now, you could use sp_executesql instead. See my article on dynamic SQL for details:

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

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