Sum the Attendance Hours by Category and then Group by 'Week of'

  • Hi all. I need to sum the attendance hours by category and then group by 'Week of'. The 'Week of' start date is defined by the Monday in that week but Sunday is works too. If the Category Values are in ’Art’ or ‘PE’, they need to be combined into Non Educational. I also need to be able to flag the day(s) a student reaches 120 hours.

    CREATE TABLE Attendance (

    ID int,

    Category varchar(20),

    Title varchar(20),

    Date datetime,

    Hours int,



    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/1/2012', 7),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/2/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/3/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/4/2012', 7),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/5/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/8/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/9/2012', 7),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/10/2012',7),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/11/2012',3),

    (4504498, 'GED Program', '7/12/2012',3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/1/2012', 7),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/2/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/3/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/4/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/5/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/8/2012', 7),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/9/2012', 3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/10/2012',8),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/11/2012',3),

    (4504498, 'High School', '7/12/2012',7),

    (9201052, 'Art', '7/15/2012', 6),

    (9201052, 'Art', '7/16/2012', 3),

    (9201052, 'Art', '7/17/2012', 7),

    (9201052, 'PE', '7/17/2012', 7),

    (9201052, 'PE', '7/18/2012', 7)

    I need an end result which looks like this:

    ID Category Week of Total Hours

    4504498 GED Program 7/1/2012 26

    4504498 GED Program 7/8/2012 23

    4504498 High School 7/1/2012 19

    4504498 High School 7/8/2012 28

    9201052 Non Educational 7/15/2012 30

    ID Day_120_Hours_Reached

    356485 6/30/2012

    356485 11/15/2012

    555666 10/12/2012

    555666 2/25/2013

    I have been looking for examples of a Week function that will pull out the 'week of' from a date using MS Sql Server and I can't find much info. Any feedback is appreciated.

  • Have you tried to use DATEPART(wk, Date)?

    What have you tried?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I have tried datepart(wk, Date). It groups by week (datepart(wk, Date)) and then displays the first entry of that week, not the first day in the week, necessarily

    select DOP_ID,

    (First_Name + ' ' + Last_Name) as Name,


    min(Date) as WeekOf,

    sum(Hours) as TotalHours

    FROM [GW_PPP].[dbo].[SLAM_Attendence]

    where DOP_ID in (select DOP_ID from [GW_PPP].[dbo].[SLAM_Status] where STATUS ='Enrolled')

    and Category in ('GED Program', 'Lit/Num Combined (Pre-GED)')

    group by DOP_ID,Category, datepart(wk, Date)

  • I misread a part of your original post and became more clear now.

    You could use DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,Date), 0) to get the first day of the week and be able to group them.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • This works for me.


    CASE WHEN Category IN( 'Art', 'PE') THEN 'Non Educational' ELSE Category END Category,

    DATEADD( dd, -1, DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,Date), 0)) Week,

    SUM(Hours) Total_Hours

    FROM Attendance


    CASE WHEN Category IN( 'Art', 'PE') THEN 'Non Educational' ELSE Category END ,

    DATEADD( dd, -1, DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,Date), 0))

    However, I'm not sure about your second requirement. It seems that you might need a running total calculation. For information on this article Solving the Running Total and Ordinal Rank Problems[/url]

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Hi. The above is great, Thanks! Just want I need. Below was the original example code I was working off of to try and get the 2nd requirement (with the sum at 60 instead of 120, so one student reaches it, using the sample dataset.). I am having trouble modifying it to get it to work.

    select ID

    , Category

    , min(Date) as WeekOf

    , sum(Hours) as TotalHours

    from Attendance

    group by


    , Category

    , datepart(wk, Date);

    select ID

    , min(Date)

    from (

    select ID

    , Date

    , sum(Hours) over (partition by ID order by Date) RunningSum

    , Hours

    from Attendance

    ) as SubQueryAlias

    where RunningSum >= 60

    group by


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