Trying to join tables on different dates

  • Hi,

    I have a project I'm working on that has two SQL tables. I need to create a query that joins the two tables by org level and by date.

    Table 1 has the date columns like this :

    January February March - etc

    And in each of these month columns is an overtime amount for that month (in dollars).

    Table2 has it's date columns that are 'real' date time columns like this ' 2013-03-22 00:00:00.000'. These are stamped every time a payroll is run (every week or so)

    What I need to do is write a query that joins table1 to table2 so that I join all the months in table 2 and sum the amount.

    In other words January I would need to grab all the 01 records from table 2 and then join to the January column and then compare the amounts. Table 1 has the budgeted amounts for the year, table 2 is all the actual amounts.

  • krypto69 (7/17/2013)


    I have a project I'm working on that has two SQL tables. I need to create a query that joins the two tables by org level and by date.

    Table 1 has the date columns like this :

    January February March - etc

    And in each of these month columns is an overtime amount for that month (in dollars).

    Table2 has it's date columns that are 'real' date time columns like this ' 2013-03-22 00:00:00.000'. These are stamped every time a payroll is run (every week or so)

    What I need to do is write a query that joins table1 to table2 so that I join all the months in table 2 and sum the amount.

    In other words January I would need to grab all the 01 records from table 2 and then join to the January column and then compare the amounts. Table 1 has the budgeted amounts for the year, table 2 is all the actual amounts.

    You have been around here long some ddl and sample data along with your desired output.


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    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Okay Sean:

    Here is table 1 - 'overtime budget 2013'

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Overtime Budget 2013](

    [Org Level] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Overtime Code] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [January] [money] NULL,

    [February] [money] NULL,

    [March] [money] NULL,

    [April] [money] NULL,

    [May] [money] NULL,

    [June] [money] NULL,

    [July] [money] NULL,

    [August] [money] NULL,

    [September] [money] NULL,

    [October] [money] NULL,

    [Novemeber] [money] NULL,

    [December] [money] NULL,

    [Total] [money] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Here's some sample date for the above table:

    INSERT Into [Overtime Budget 2013]

    SELECT 'WSIDOE','5204 ','1579588.23','1578296.23','1964371.53'

    SELECT 'WSIOTH','5204 ','10979.65','11212.00','15404.53'

    SELECT 'WSIWMA','5204 ','121070.56','121070.05','149569.32'

    SELECT 'WSIUNY','5204 ','1287.29','1287.68','1609.60'

    SELECT 'WSIZHR','5204 ','553.85','553.85','692.31'

    SELECT 'WSIZSS','5204 ','96.15','96.15','120.19'

    The second table is actually a query that looks like this:

    /* Summary Overtime by Employee */


    cast(left(pehPErcontrol,8) as datetime) AS [Period Control Date],

    --ltrim(cmpCompanyName) AS [Company Name],

    rtrim(eepNameLast) +

    --isnull(' '+rtrim(CodDesc), '') +

    ', ' + rtrim(eepNameFirst) +

    ' ' + coalesce(substring(eepNameMiddle,1,1) + '.', '') as Name,

    eepNameLast AS [Last Name],

    IsNull(eepNameSuffix,'') AS [Suffix],

    eepNameFirst AS [First Name],

    IsNull(eepNameMiddle,'') AS [Middle Name],


    --pehBatchID AS [Batch ID],

    pehCurAmt AS [Current Amount],

    pehCurHrs AS [Current Hours],

    pehCoID AS [Company ID],

    pehEEID AS [EE ID],

    pehEmpNo AS [Emp No],

    pehLocation AS [Location],

    pehJobCode AS [Job Code],

    pehOrgLvl1 AS [Org Level 1],

    pehOrgLvl2 AS [Org Level 2],

    pehOrgLvl3 AS [Org Level 3],

    pehOrgLvl4 AS [Org Level 4],

    pehPayGroup AS [Pay Group],

    pehProject AS [Project],

    pehShfShiftAmt AS [Shift Amount],

    pehearncode AS [Earn Code],


    [overtime code] as [Overtime Code],

    [Org Level] as [Org Level],

    [January] as [January]

    FROM EmpPers JOIN pearhist

    ON pehEEID = eepEEID


    where pehearncode = '0002'

    AND pehPerControl > '201301011'

    --AND pehPerControl > '201301011'

    --AND pehOrgLvl2 like '%SRS'

    AND pehOrgLvl2 like '%ZSW'

    You can see where I'm joining by org level but need to add the months/date to complete.

  • You can Unpivot your table to be able to join it.

    CREATE TABLE #Overtime_Budget_2013(

    [Org_Level] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Overtime Code] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [January] [money] NULL,

    [February] [money] NULL,

    [March] [money] NULL


    INSERT Into #Overtime_Budget_2013(Org_Level, [Overtime Code], January, February, March)

    SELECT 'WSIDOE','5204 ','1579588.23','1578296.23','1964371.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIOTH','5204 ','10979.65','11212.00','15404.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIWMA','5204 ','121070.56','121070.05','149569.32' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIUNY','5204 ','1287.29','1287.68','1609.60' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIZHR','5204 ','553.85','553.85','692.31' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIZSS','5204 ','96.15','96.15','120.19'

    SELECT Org_Level, [Overtime Code], month, value

    FROM #Overtime_Budget_2013

    --CROSS APPLY( VALUES(January, 1), (February, 2), (March, 3))x(value, month )

    UNPIVOT ( value FOR month IN (January, February, March)) unpvt

    DROP TABLE #Overtime_Budget_2013

    The commented line is a different approach to unpivot, but it's up to you to test which is better in your case.(More info[/url])

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#OvertimeBudget2013') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #OvertimeBudget2013

    CREATE TABLE #OvertimeBudget2013



    ,[Org Level] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[Overtime Code] [nchar](10) NULL

    ,[JanuaryBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[FebruaryBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[MarchBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[AprilBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[MayBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[JuneBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[JulyBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[AugustBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[SeptemberBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[OctoberBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[NovemeberBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[DecemberBudget] [money] NULL

    ,[ActualBudget] [money] NULL



    INSERT Into #OvertimeBudget2013

    ([Org Level],[Overtime Code],[JanuaryBudget],[FebruaryBudget],[MarchBudget])

    SELECT 'WSIDOE','5204','1579588.23','1578296.23','1964371.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIOTH','5204','10979.65','11212.00','15404.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIWMA','5204','121070.56','121070.05','149569.32' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIUNY','5204','1287.29','1287.68','1609.60' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIZHR','5204','553.85','553.85','692.31' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'WSIZSS','5204','96.15','96.15','120.19'

    SELECT * FROM #OvertimeBudget2013

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#EmpPers') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #EmpPers

    CREATE TABLE #EmpPers (


    ,[pehPErcontrol] DATETIME NOT NULL

    ,[eepNameLast] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[CodDesc] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[eepNameFirst] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[eepNameMiddle] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[eepNameSuffix] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[Org Level] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[Overtime Code] [nchar](10) NULL

    ,[JanuaryActual] [money] NULL

    ,[FebruaryActual] [money] NULL

    ,[MarchActual] [money] NULL


    ;WITH cteEmpData

    ([pehPErcontrol],[eepNameLast],[CodDesc],[eepNameFirst],[eepNameMiddle],[eepNameSuffix],[Org Level],[Overtime Code],[JanuaryActual],[FebruaryActual],[MarchActual])



    SELECT GETDATE(),'Bush','1','George','W','Jr.','5204','WSIDOE','157588.23','158296.23','196471.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT GETDATE(),'Jones','2','George','T','Sr.','5204','WSIUNY','15758.23','18296.23','19641.53' UNION ALL

    SELECT GETDATE(),'Smith','3','April','Mae','','5204','WSIZSS','1578.23','1582.23','19641.53'


    INSERT INTO #EmpPers

    ([pehPErcontrol],[eepNameLast],[CodDesc],[eepNameFirst],[eepNameMiddle],[eepNameSuffix],[Org Level],[Overtime Code],[JanuaryActual],[FebruaryActual],[MarchActual])


    CAST(LEFT(pehPErcontrol,8) AS DATETIME) AS [Period Control Date]

    ,RTRIM(eepNameLast) + --isnull(' '+rtrim(CodDesc), '') +

    ', ' + RTRIM(eepNameFirst) + ' ' + COALESCE(SUBSTRING(eepNameMiddle,1,1) + '.','') AS Name

    ,eepNameLast AS [Last Name]

    ,ISNULL(eepNameSuffix,'') AS [Suffix]

    ,eepNameFirst AS [First Name]

    ,ISNULL(eepNameMiddle,'') AS [Middle Name]


    ,[overtime code] AS [Overtime Code]

    ,[Org Level] AS [Org Level]






    SELECT * FROM #EmpPers AS ep


    r.[Org Level]

    ,ISNULL(r.JanuaryBudget,0) AS JanuaryBudget

    ,ISNULL(r.JanuaryActual,0) AS JanuaryActual

    ,ISNULL(SUM(r.JanuaryActual-r.JanuaryBudget) OVER (PARTITION BY r.[Org Level]),0) AS [+/-]

    ,ISNULL(r.FebruaryBudget,0) AS FebruaryBudget

    ,ISNULL(r.FebruaryActual,0) AS FebruaryActual

    ,ISNULL(SUM(r.FebruaryActual-r.FebruaryBudget) OVER (PARTITION BY r.[Org Level]),0) AS [+/-]

    ,ISNULL(r.MarchBudget,0) AS MarchBudget

    ,ISNULL(r.MarchActual,0) AS MarchActual

    ,ISNULL(SUM(r.MarchActual-r.MarchBudget) OVER (PARTITION BY r.[Org Level]),0) AS [+/-]




    bud.[Org Level]

    ,SUM(CAST(bud.[JanuaryBudget] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY bud.[Org Level]) AS [JanuaryBudget]

    ,SUM(CAST(bud.[FebruaryBudget] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY bud.[Org Level]) AS [FebruaryBudget]

    ,SUM(CAST(bud.[MarchBudget] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY bud.[Org Level]) AS [MarchBudget]

    ,SUM(CAST(ep.[JanuaryActual] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY ep.[Org Level]) AS [JanuaryActual]

    ,SUM(CAST(ep.[FebruaryActual] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY ep.[Org Level]) AS [FebruaryActual]

    ,SUM(CAST(ep.[MarchActual] AS DECIMAL(9,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY ep.[Org Level]) AS [MarchActual]


    #OvertimeBudget2013 AS bud


    #EmpPers AS ep

    ON ep.[Org Level] = bud.[Org Level]

    AND ep.[Overtime Code] = bud.[Overtime Code]

    ) r


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