Query to determine if SQL Agent is up?

  • To check for recent failures of maintenance jobs, a person can run a query such as

    -- Identify SQL Agent jobs (and maintenance plan subplans) that have failed in the last few days.

    -- If the Agent is not running, jobs will not start and this query will not find any problems.

    use msdb



    convert(char(13),server ) as Server ,

    convert(char(60),name ) as JobName ,

    convert(char( 7),step_id ) as StepNum ,

    convert(char(35),step_name) as StepName ,

    dbo.agent_datetime(run_date, run_time) as RunDateTime

    from sysjobhistory, sysjobs


    sysjobhistory.job_id = sysjobs.job_id and -- join tables

    step_id <> 0 and -- do not select job overview, only the details

    run_status <> 1 and -- select failed jobs

    datediff -- last few days



    dbo.agent_datetime(run_date, run_time),


    ) <= 8

    order by Server, JobName, StepNum, StepName, RunDateTime desc -- most recent jobs first

    That's all very nice but does not help much if the Agent is down and jobs don't even start running. Is it possible to run a T-SQL query to determine if the agent service is running? If you've got a lot of database servers to check, it would sure be convenient to run a query on all of them to check agent jobs and another query to make sure the agent service is up.

  • xp_servicecontrol 'querystate', 'SQLSERVERAGENT'

  • Thanks! Your answer is just what I needed! 🙂

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