Summing rows to combine them

  • Hi,

    Im trying to find a better way to do this but cant quite get there.

    Here is some quick data setup.

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#temp') is not null

    drop table #temp;

    create table #temp (

    [state] char(2),

    [county] char(3),

    [sex] varchar(6),

    [class] int,

    [agegroup] varchar(15),

    [total] int


    insert into #temp

    select '01', '001', 'male', 1, '05-09 yrs', 3 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 1, '05-09 yrs', 4 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 1, '15-17 yrs', 5 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 1, '15-17 yrs', 6 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 1, '18-20 yrs', 7 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 1, '21-24 yrs', 3 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 1, '21-24 yrs', 3 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 2, '05-09 yrs', 4 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 2, '05-09 yrs', 5 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 2, '15-17 yrs', 6 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 2, '15-17 yrs', 7 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 2, '18-20 yrs', 8 union all

    select '01', '001', 'female', 2, '21-24 yrs', 4 union all

    select '01', '001', 'male', 2, '21-24 yrs', 4

    Here is what i currently have. It also gives the result im after

    I was thinking of sum and case but not quite sure where to start or even if its the right way to go.

    select [State], County, Sex, class, '15-24 yrs' AS [Agegroup], sum(total) AS [total]

    from #temp

    where Agegroup in ('15-17 yrs', '18-20 yrs', '21-24 yrs')

    group by [State], County, Sex, class

    union all

    select [State], County, Sex, class, Agegroup, sum(total) AS [total]

    from #temp

    where Agegroup not in ('15-17 yrs', '18-20 yrs', '21-24 yrs')

    group by [State], County, Sex, class, Agegroup

  • Another way

    with cte as (

    select [State], County, Sex, class,

    case when Agegroup in ('15-17 yrs', '18-20 yrs', '21-24 yrs') then '15-24 yrs' else Agegroup end AS [Agegroup],


    from #temp)

    select [State], County, Sex, class, Agegroup, sum(total) AS [total]

    from cte

    group by [State], County, Sex, class, Agegroup


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Thanks - this is a lot nicer than what i had.

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