xp_create_subdir cannot find the path specified

  • I'm struggling to deploy MyDevDatabase to my local development environment on my workstation.

    The script to create MyDevDatabase assumes SQL Server can write to a G drive. This works well enough in production because all of our production servers have a partition for the G drive.

    I faked a G drive by the following steps:

    * create the directory D:\MyDevDatabase

    * Share the directory as \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    * Map the network location \\localhost\MyDevDatabase to drive G.

    * Grant full control to the G drive to the SQL Server database engine following the MSDN instructions.

    The first step of the script creates the directory structure for database files on the G drive. A typical statement looks like this:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_create_subdir N'G:\MSSQL\SQLData\MyDevDatabase';

    On my workstation this fails with an error message like this:

    Msg 22048, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    xp_create_subdir() returned error 3, 'The system cannot find the path specified.'

    If I change the command by replacing the mapped drive with the shared directory like this:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_create_subdir N'D:\MyDevDatabase\MSSQL\SQLData\MyDevDatabase';

    Then the command completes successfully, and the directory structure is created.

    I'd like to make this work without modifying the deployment scripts.

    Is there a better way to fake a G drive for SQL Server?

    Do I actually have to create a partition?

  • Use a named share and a UNC instead.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • The second step of faking a G drive was to create a named share. Its UNC path is \\localhost\MyDevDatabase.

    When I pass the UNC path to xp_create_subdir like this:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_create_subdir N'\\localhost\MyDevDatabase\MSSQL\SQLData\MyDevDatabase';

    The command succeeds.

    The problem with this approach is that it means I would have to change all the deployment scripts to use a UNC path instead of a G drive. I would rather make it work with the G drive if possible.

    The problem with my solution is that I mapped the drive using the 'Map Network Drive...' option in Windows Explorer. This maps the drive only for my desktop user (CORP\iain) and not my SQL Server user (NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER).

    You can list the drives at the command prompt by using this command:

    wmic logicaldisk get name

    In my user context it produces output like this:








    The G drive is listed among all the other drives I can access in my user context.

    When I execute the same command in SQL Server's context using the xp_cmdshell procedure:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'wmic logicaldisk get name';

    I get a result set like this:







    This output shows that there is no G drive in SQL Server's context, which is why the original xp_create_subdir command failed.

    I used the command-line equivalent of the 'Map Network Drive...' option to fix it for SQL Server.

    You can map the UNC path \\localhost\MyDevDatabase to the G drive by using the 'net use' command like this:

    net use G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase /PERSISTENT:YES

    When I execute the command in SQL Server using the xp_cmdshell procedure:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'net use G: \\localhost\MyDevDatrabase /PERSISTENT:YES';

    It produces a result set like this:



    The command completed successfully.



    When I execute the command to list the logical drives again in SQL Server's context, the output is now:








    Now the original xp_create_subdir command completes successfully.

  • The final step now would be to bounce the server to make sure that SQL Server actually does see the persisted mapping after a reboot. I'm pretty sure it will but you don't actually know until you try it.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
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    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • This may persist, or it may not. As you've done it, I'd think it should, though as Jeff noted, you need to restart the SQL Server services and have the service account log in.

    The reason this doesn't work is that the service account for the database service is a user like your account. That is the account that must have the mapping in its profile.

  • I'm glad you asked me to try that, Jeff. It turns out that we were too optimistic about the persistence.

    I restarted my workstation, started the SQL Server service, and connected to the server.

    I executed the wmic command using xp_cmdshell:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'wmic logicaldisk get name';

    The output looks like this:







    The problem has regressed. The only logical drives visible to SQL Server are C: and D:.

    I executed the 'net use' command in SQL Server's context without parameters to list the drive mappings:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'net use';

    The output looks like this:



    New connections will be remembered.



    Status Local Remote Network



    Unavailable G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.



    It looks like the operating system has persisted the mapping, but its status is 'Unavailable'.

    The output of 'net use' in my user context looks like this:

    New connections will be remembered.

    Status Local Remote Network


    OK G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    Microsoft Windows Network

    OK P: \\fileshare\project Microsoft Windows Network

    OK Y: \\123.456.789.012\c Microsoft Windows Network

    OK Z: \\usershare\iain$ Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.

    The same G drive mapping exists and is 'OK'. All the other mappings I use are 'OK' as well.

    When I execute again the mapping command in SQL Server's context:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'net use G: \\localhost\BrowseQuoteProcessor /PERSISTENT:YES';

    The command reports successful completion as before.

    The output of the 'net use' command changes:



    New connections will be remembered.



    Status Local Remote Network



    OK G: \\localhost\BrowseQuoteProcessor

    Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.


    The status of the G drive is now 'OK'.

    The output of the wmic command in SQL Server's context now looks like this:








    The G drive is listed in the output. Once more procedures such as xp_create_subdir can reference the G drive.

    I don't have to restart the workstation to reproduce this behavior; restarting the SQL Server service (MSSQLSERVER) is enough. After restarting the SQL Server service, the output of 'net use' in SQL Server's context shows that the G drive is 'Unavailable'.

    This could be a Windows issue as much as a SQL Server issue. Is it a quirk of 'net use', or some part of SQL Server itself? Any ideas?

  • Maybe put the NET USE in a startup proc? Execute it on service start so that the mapping is created?

  • I solved the problem thanks to Steve's suggestion. It's a hack, but it works well enough that I can run my deployment scripts unmodified.

    First I created a stored procedure to encapsulate the action of mapping the G drive to a UNC share.

    The batch to create the procedure looks like this:

    USE master;






    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.map_g_drive



    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell N'net use G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase /PERSISTENT:YES', 'no_output';


    The body of the procedure has one difference from the original mapping command. The call to xp_cmdshell an extra 'no_output' parameter to supress the result set. Later I'll explain why.

    To test that the procedure works, first I restart the server.

    After the server starts I execute the 'net use' command in SQL Server's context to return the status of mapped drives:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'net use';

    The result set looks like this:



    New connections will be remembered.



    Status Local Remote Network



    Unavailable G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.



    The result shows that the G drive status is 'Unavailable'.

    Now I execute the new procedure map_g_drive:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.map_g_drive;

    The procedure produces no output. My client reports that the procedure executed successfully.

    Now when I execute the 'net use' command, I see a result set like this:



    New connections will be remembered.



    Status Local Remote Network



    OK G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.



    The result shows that the G drive status is 'OK'.

    You can mark a procedure for automatic execution when SQL Server starts.

    According to MSDN, an 'autoproc' must

    * exist in the master database

    * have no parameters

    * return no result sets

    The map_g_drive procedure meets these constraints. The 'no_output' parameter of xp_cmdshell was useful to ensure the procedure returns no result sets.

    To mark the procedure for automatic execution, I used the sp_procoption procedure like this:

    EXECUTE master.sys.sp_procoption

    @ProcName = N'dbo.map_g_drive',

    @OptionName = 'startup',

    @OptionValue = 'true';

    The procedure produces no output. To check its effect, I queried the is_auto_executed column of the sys.procedures view:

    SELECT name, is_auto_executed

    FROM master.sys.procedures

    WHERE name = N'map_g_drive';

    The result set shows that the procedure is marked for auto-execution:

    name is_auto_executed

    -------------- ----------------

    map_g_drive 1

    To check that the procedure is executed at startup, I have to restart the server one more time and inspect the output of 'net use' before executing anything else.

    After I restart the server, I execute the 'net use' command:

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'net use';

    The result set looks like this:



    New connections will be remembered.



    Status Local Remote Network



    OK G: \\localhost\MyDevDatabase

    Microsoft Windows Network

    The command completed successfully.



    The status of the G drive is 'OK' at startup.

    Now the xp_create_subdir command executes successfully when it references the G drive.

    Thanks, guys!

  • If you create a database and put its files on the G drive, the database will be in 'Recovery Pending' after a server restart.

    It looks like SQL Server tries to recover the database before the autoprocs are executed.

    You can create a database with the files on the G drive like this:



    (NAME = N'MyDevDatabase_Data', FILENAME = N'G:\MyDevDatabase_Data.mdf')

    LOG ON

    (NAME = N'MyDevDatabase_Log', FILENAME = N'G:\MyDevDatabase_Log.ldf');

    The command produces no output.

    To check the initial state of the new database, you can query the state_desc column of the sys.databases table like this:

    SELECT name, state_desc

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'MyDevDatabase';

    The result set looks like this:

    name state_desc

    -------------- ----------

    MyDevDatabase ONLINE

    The database exists and is initially in an online state.

    Normally when you restart a server, the database would be recovered to an online state.

    After a restart, the state_desc column for MyDevDatabase has changed:

    name state_desc

    -------------- ----------


    The database is in 'recovery pending' mode.

    The server was unable to automatically recover the database on the G drive.

    To bring the database back online, you can use the ALTER DATABASE statement like this:


    The command produces no output.

    The state_desc column for MyDevDatabase has changed again:

    name state_desc

    -------------- ----------

    MyDevDatabase ONLINE

    The database is online once more.

    Would it be safe to add the ALTER DATABASE statement in the autoproc?

    The creeping scope of this hack suggests that Jeff's original advice to use UNC paths instead of drive names might be a better way to reference a file system location.

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