Alternative to using cursor

  • Hi,

    I have a table that I need to update based on the following conditions.

    If the inventory type is physical, use that date as the physical inventory date.

    Otherwise, use the date of the last physical inventory taken before this one.

    I'm currently using a cursor for this, but the performance of my query suffers because of it.

    Below are the table and queries I'm using to update it.

    Is there anything else I can use that's faster?


    create table #inv (

    Rep_LName nvarchar (50),

    Rep_FName nvarchar (50),

    Rep_ID nvarchar (50),

    Rep_Email nvarchar (100),

    Rep_Status nvarchar (50),

    Rep_BU nvarchar (50),

    Sales_Force nvarchar (50),

    Territory nvarchar (50),

    Sample_Eligibility nvarchar (50),

    DM_Name nvarchar (100),

    Phys_Inv_Date datetime,

    Last_Reconciled datetime,

    Inv_Type nvarchar(50),

    Days_Since_Last_inv int)


    update i

    set i.Inv_Type = h.inventory_type

    from #inv i

    inner join inv_header h on i.rep_id = h.rep_id

    and h.Call_date =

    (select Max(Call_Date)

    from inv_header i2

    where i2.rep_id = i.rep_id)

    where i.inv_type is null

    declare Inventory_info cursor

    for select distinct rep_ID, call_date, inventory_type

    from inv_header

    where rep_id in (select rep_id from #inv)

    Order by rep_ID, call_date desc, inventory_type desc

    declare @call_date datetime

    declare @rep_ID nvarchar(50)

    declare @inventory_type nvarchar(50)

    declare @ls_Sql as nvarchar(max)

    declare @param as nvarchar(max)

    select @ls_Sql=''

    select @param=''

    -- open cursor

    open Inventory_info

    fetch next from Inventory_info

    into @rep_ID, @call_date, @inventory_type

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


    --use parameterized dynamic sql

    SET @param='@rep_ID nvarchar(50),@call_date DATETIME,@inventory_type nvarchar(50)'

    SET @ls_Sql='update #inv set Phys_Inv_Date = case when inv_type = ''physical'' and @inventory_type = ''physical'' then @call_date else b.call_date end from #inv a INNER JOIN (select top 1 call_date, rep_id from inv_header where call_date <= @call_date and rep_id = @rep_id and inventory_type = ''physical'' order by call_date desc) b ON a.rep_id = b.rep_id WHERE Phys_Inv_Date IS NULL'

    --pass parameter to dynamic query

    exec sp_executesql @ls_Sql,@param,@rep_ID,@call_date,@inventory_type

    fetch next from Inventory_info

    into @rep_ID, @call_date, @inventory_type


    close Inventory_info

    deallocate Inventory_info

  • Not quite sure why you are using dynamic sql in the middle of your cursor. I am very confused by the case expression in your update. You either use the value from inv_header or the value in your variable (which also came from inv_header). Since we don't have that table to work with and there is no data it is hard to know for sure but I think those two values would always be the same thing???

    Something like this should be a decent starting point for replacing your cursor. I may be over simplifying it but without structures to work with it is impossible to test.

    update #inv

    set Phys_Inv_Date = h.call_date

    from #inv i

    INNER JOIN inv_header h ON i.rep_id = h.rep_id

    WHERE h.Phys_Inv_Date IS NULL

    and inv_type = 'physical'


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