RedGate Backup

  • I installed Redgate Backup5 on Windows 2003 + SQL Server 2005 with SP4.But I am not able to see sql backup agent service in services.msc. I am not able to register and take backup thorugh redgate

    pls help

  • SQL Backup has two major components, which are:

    SQL Backup GUI - Used to manage you SQL Backup, backup and restore tasks.

    SQL Backup Server Side components - These are the components that actually perform the backup and restore operations. These components include the SQL Backup Agent service and the SQL Backup Extended Stored Procedures.

    From you post, I suspect that you have successfully installed the GUI but failed to install the Server Components. To install the Server Components right click the SQL Instance you have added to the GUI and select the option to install/upgrade server components.

    Alternatively to the above process or if you encounter a problem following the above process, locate the Server Components installer, "SQBServerSetup.exe". The executable is by default located in this folder on the machine where you installed the GUI:

    C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup

    If the GUI is installed on the same machine as the SQL Instance, simply run the "SQBServerSetup.exe" executable. If the SQL Instance is located on a different machine to where the GUI is installed, copy the "SQBServerSetup.exe" executable to the machine where the SQL Instance is located and run it. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    If you get any further problems, I recommend that you contact the Red Gate Software Ltd Support Team -

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis

    Technical Support Engineer

    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Thanks alot.It worked for me

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