Importing data via ODBC (from mozaic) to SQL

  • Good Day Ladies/Gents

    I was wondering how I would go about importing data from a data source (mozaic) in the same domain into my SQL 2008 instance?

    I have set up the ODBC DNS and verified the successful connection. Now I wish to basically be able to pull data across to a SQL test DB, is this possible as I have been looking on Google and cant really find anything.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Hi Sl33py

    Have you tried selecting the data across using something like:

    SELECT Field1, Field2, Etc


  • Another option might be to use SSIS and craete an update package ?!


    Please don't trust me, test the solutions I give you before using them.

  • Thanks very much for you idea's

    I did not get far with creating a linked server, then attempting to insert the tables( we couldnt even view the data )

    so right now I am trying to go the SSIS route, and it seems to be moving slowly.

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