ssis Logging FIle vs syslog table in database

  • Hello everyone !!

    I am planning to implement SSIS logging . I have tried both the log to a file and log to the database . I am having a hard time choosing among the two.

    I would like to get some advice from some of the more experienced SSIS developers if any one of them would be better in the long run?

    I also intend to set up an email notification on failed tasks and send the log details via email.

  • I've done both and found tables to be easier to get the info you need out such as timings of steps etc. However i have generally found that support/help teams prefer text file logging. In my previous place we used tables then moved to text files because the help guys preferred it - they never really got to grips with querying a table when things went wrong (they were a bunch of numpties tho).

    So my opinion is it depends on who will support your load


  • It may be coincidence, but I've never worked for a company that uses text files for logging or auditing - always table driven. Personally, I'd never use text files for similar reasons that I'm not a fan of using .raw files. Everything should use tables IMO. The person above makes a good case for the possibility of text files, but most DW troubleshooting is done by the developers and I just couldn't imagine using text files vs the ease of querying a table. Kimball has a nice auditing framework that provides the basics - for free. I've seen a lot of companies use this as their base and then expand upon it.

  • +1 ... I would go for a table too. Much more flexible.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Thank you guys !

    I would start logging with a table.

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