Corrupt or tampered with?

  • When I boot up my computer, I get an error dialog for SQL Server. I don't understand what it means, it speaks of a package ID. I thought those were SSIS or some other special thing. I've never done any of that. I have attached the screen capture of the dialog. Does anyone know exactly what this means, and what I should look for?

    I had SQL Server 2000 developer edition, which came with Office XP Developer's edition. But I've uninstalled that since I now use SQL Server 2005 on my website and use SSMS to connect to it. I also have the 2008 version, which came with Visual Studio 2010. But that error message was coming up before I had that.



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  • I'm sorry, that is not the same error message. The one I get doesn't mention dumper, the one you pointed me to does not mention (unknown package ID). I looked at the VSS writer and it's for SQL Server 2008, which was installed well after I was getting that message, so I don't think it has anything to do with it.

    The troubling thing is that it doesn't say what version of SQL Server in the message. It's difficult to know what to do when you have no idea what version is causing a problem. Crappy error message, if you ask me.


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