Reorganize index online option

  • Does Reorganizing index with online option causes high disk I/O...I noticed users are getting timeouts after running reorganizing index command for 2 hrs??

  • Yes, index reorganization can cause a lot of I/O depending on how much work the reorganize decides it needs to perform to organize the index. They do not cause long-running blocking operations, i.e. they are online operations, but do cause short-lived blocking as they move through the index. It can impact I/O performance due to it reading index pages and writing entries to the transaction log as it rewrites pages. Ideally they should be done during off-peak hours to avoid impact to system users.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Have a look at this topic:


    André CR
  • I have a busy system 24 hours a day so have to rebuild indexes with users present. Online rebuilds help but yes it hits the disks and the cpus, causes blocking and deadlocks for the users.

    Any form of index rebuilds will be disruptive to a system except when it's not being used.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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