Can't start SQL Server service as Network Service

  • I have a development server that is running SQL Server 2005. I was asked to install a new instance for some testing.

    The previous service is running under NT Authority/Network Service and works. However, when I try to start the new instance under that account, I get an error saying it cannot start.

    In the event viewer, I see errors regarding access to various SQL files in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\MSSQL\ - I've explicitly granted the account full rights to that folder and everything below it but still no go.

    Has anyone else run into this?

  • Hello,

    Do you need the service to run under NETWORK SERVICE?

    I would create an AD account for the service and use that. You can then assign the required access rights.


  • Mainly I just would like to know why it's not working, because it seems strange that it would work for one instance and not the other.


  • Did you check to see if Network Service has permissions in the new instance?

    USE Master


    select left(name,25) name, type, type_desc

    from sys.server_principals AS log

    WHERE (log.type in ('U', 'G', 'S', 'R'))

    AND Name LIKE 'NT%'

    order by 3,1

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • Did you use Configuration Maanger to change the service? Check the log for errrors? If it ones for one instance, it has the rights for service start, but it might not have proper file permissions or permissions inside SQL Server for something.

  • cphite (1/31/2013)

    ... However, when I try to start the new instance under that account, I get an error saying it cannot start ...

    What is the actual error message you're getting, and where do you see this error?

    Did the install have any problems?

    Have you tried setting the account from SQL Configuration Manager?

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Sorry been on holiday!

    How have you been getting on with this?

    Did using the configuration manager allow you to start the service under [NETWORK SERVICE] or did you get the same error?


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