Adding variables to Restore script

  • Hi all, I just need to automate a script as far as possible, at the moment I'm using Ctrl H to replace the database name and .bak with the current value, but I'd like to just pass in a couple of params at the start, and just run. Hopefully I'll be able to create a sproc and do the same. Here's what I've got so far, I need to keep the 'DCM' string and add on the db name from the variable...

    Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'MKDIR "U:\Archives\YourDatabaseNameHere\DATA"'

    Restore Database YourDatabaseNameHere


    Disk = 'YourBackupFilePathHere\YourDatabaseNameHere.BAK'


    MOVE 'DCMYourDatabaseNameHere'TO 'U:\Archives\YourDatabaseNameHere\DATA\YourDatabaseNameHere.mdf',

    MOVE 'DCMYourDatabaseNameHere_log'TO 'W:\Archives\Log\YourDatabaseNameHere_log.ldf',

    STATS = 1

    Exec master..xp_cmdshell ' DEL /Q YourBackupFilePathHere\YourDatabaseNameHere.BAK'



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