SSRS Background colors (flashing colors every 2 seconds)

  • Hi, i have a table in SSRS which currently displays customer information. I currently have it alternating colors on a table which works great: code here for those looking:

    =iif(RunningValue(Fields!<FIELD_NAME>.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "AliceBlue", "White")

    However i want to incorporate 1 thing, if the customer has all his bills paid i want that row to flash red and white along with keep its alternating color scheme.

    Logically i believe the way to this about this is set background color to alternate (done) then check if all customer bills are paid, if so then flash red/white every 2 seconds for example (the part which i'm not sure on)

    Has anyone encountered this question?

  • Sorry after a bit more thinking, i have the query below doing most of the what i'm looking for except the flashing portion.

    This highlights a field red if a value = whatever and keeps the alternate colors, however i would like to flash red every 2 seconds.

    =IIF(FIELDS!<field>.Value="<value>","RED",IIF(RunningValue(Fields!<field>.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "AliceBlue", "White"))

    can you have an expression refresh only?

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