can any one explain how this query execute

  • selecting table

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  • Not sure what you are asking

    You can run the following in a query window in management studio and get the output - but will be left with the table in a database

    CREATE TABLE department


    dept_no CHAR(4) NOT NULL,

    dept_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL,

    location CHAR(30) NULL



    insert into department values ('d1', 'developer', 'Dallas')

    insert into department values ('d2', 'tester', 'Seattle')

    insert into department values ('d3', 'marketing', 'Dallas')

    select * from department

    What you have there looks like it was the output from something like osql

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  • narendra.kongara (12/11/2012)

    1> -- Correlated subquery using the department table in both inner and outer queries


    3> SELECT t1.*

    4> FROM department t1

    5> WHERE t1.location IN

    6> (SELECT t2.location

    7> FROM department t2

    8> WHERE t1.dept_no <> t2.dept_no)

    9> GO

    The correlated subquery works by executing once for each row in the department table aliased as t1. For each of those records, it sees if the location in the record of t1 exists in the same department table aliased as t2 but with a different dept_no. Since Dallas is the only location with multiple departments in your sample data, it is the only location that satisfies the WHERE clause.

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