MS SQL Server 2008 R2: SQL Native Client error

  • Hi I'm getting this error when trying to the sqlcmd: command against the instance ...

    MS SQL 2008 R2 (10.50.2806.0) SP1 Enterprise Edition (64-bit)

    Sqlcmd: Error: Connection failure. SQL Native Client is not installed correctly. To correct this, run SQL Server Setup.

    Native client is installed ...

    No errors in Logs regarding this error

    Browser service is running

    I connect from my local laptop to the server via sql server managerment studio ...

    MCITP: Database Administrator 2005
    MCTS SQL Server 2008
    MCP SQL 2012/2014
    MCSA SQL Server 2012/2014
    MCSE Data Management and Analytics

  • an update

    After investigating MS SQL 2005 tools was installed on the server. It ‘looks’ like MS SQL 2005 was installed on this server and then removed but the tools stayed behind in the D:\Apps\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn location.

    If you run the SQLCMD in the route folder D:\Apps\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\binn (SQL 2008 R2) version then it works …

    By default you are supposed to be able to run this command from any location without issues but it seems that it got confused on which version to run 2005/2008 hence giving the error Werner got last night.

    A fix we done: we renamed the 2005 folder to D:\Apps\Microsoft SQL Server\90_1\Tools\binn and then we tested the SQLCMD and it worked.

    This sorted out the issue I had ...

    MCITP: Database Administrator 2005
    MCTS SQL Server 2008
    MCP SQL 2012/2014
    MCSA SQL Server 2012/2014
    MCSE Data Management and Analytics

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