Variable Parameter list for for procedure

  • Dear All

    I need to create procedure with variable parmaeter list. I am trying to achive it through table value parameter.

    Is it the correct approch?

    Also I need this parameter to be optional. But when i give folloing syntax i get error


    @param1 VARCHAR(40),

    @ParameterTable ParameterTable READONLY = NULL



  • You can use default Stored Procedure Template from Template Explorer.

    it will help you

    SSMS > View > Template Explorer > Stored Procedure

    संकेत कोकणे

  • shilpaprele (11/6/2012)

    Dear All

    I need to create procedure with variable parmaeter list. I am trying to achive it through table value parameter.

    Is it the correct approch?

    Also I need this parameter to be optional. But when i give folloing syntax i get error


    @param1 VARCHAR(40),

    @ParameterTable ParameterTable READONLY = NULL



    Table-valued parameter is the best for passing table-like data, but not variable parameter list.

    Let say you want to pass multiple Customer Id's together with relevant Customer Names. Table-valued parameter is upto this task.

    But if you want to pass list of different parameters eg. not-related to each other and having different datatype, I would recommend using XML.

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  • I checked default template does not cater to my changing parameter reuirement. Also it is not showing me how to make table type paramter as optional

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