msdb backupset new index

  • hello,

    do you know why this index creation take for ever when I run it:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_backupset_database_name_backup_set_id]

    ON [dbo].[backupset] ([database_name]) INCLUDE ([backup_set_id])

    thank you

  • It's probably because you have a lot of data in the table. If you haven't been cleaning the backup history and you have done a lot of backups since msdb was created that may be the source of the issue. I run a job once a week that runs this command to keep my backup history manageable:


    SET @dt = DATEADD(day, -60, GETDATE())

    EXEC dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory

    @oldest_date = @dt ;

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