Fiscal year week

  • Hi all,

    I'm here with another question may be it is simple.but i searched in web i didn't get the correct answer...

    I want to populate fiscal year week in date dimension table.(from 1 April to 31 march)

    datepart(ww,date) will give week from 1 Jan.but i want for fiscal year.

    thanks and regards


  • Here's a possible solution:

    -- Start & End of Fiscal Year:

    declare @StartDate Date, @DateInt int, @DateEndInt Int;

    set @StartDate = '01 Apr 2012'; -- Start Date of Fiscal Year

    set @DateInt = datediff(dd, 0, @StartDate); -- Start Date as int

    set @DateEndInt = datediff(dd, 0, dateadd(yy, 1, @StartDate)); -- End Date as int (+1 day)

    -- Number of days from 1st Jan:

    declare @FirstDayOfYear Date, @DateOffset int;

    set @FirstDayOfYear = DATEADD(year,DATEDIFF(year,0,@StartDate),0); -- Date of First Day of Calendar Year

    set @DateOffset = datediff(dd, @FirstDayOfYear, @StartDate) -- Difference between start of Calendar & Fiscal Years

    --print @DateInt

    --print @DateEndInt

    --print @DateShift

    -- Create date table with Date & Fiscal Week:

    declare @a as table ( [Date] Date, FiscalWeek Int );

    while @DateInt < @DateEndInt


    -- Insert next Date, & week number subtracting offset to get correct fiscal week

    insert into @a values ( dateadd(dd, 0, @DateInt), datepart(ww, dateadd(dd, (-@DateOffset), @DateInt)) );

    set @DateInt = @DateInt +1;


    select * from @a;

  • but for 2011 april first week starts from friday,saturday...

    using your query it gives like

    date week

    2011-04-01 1

    2011-04-02 2

    2011-04-03 2

    2011-04-04 2

    this looks like it starts from saturday....

    any suggestions please....

  • Try this:

    -- Start & End of Fiscal Year:

    declare @StartDate Date, @DateInt int, @DateEndInt Int;

    set @StartDate = '01 Apr 2012'; -- Start Date of Fiscal Year

    set @DateInt = datediff(dd, 0, @StartDate); -- Start Date as int

    set @DateEndInt = datediff(dd, 0, dateadd(yy, 1, @StartDate)); -- End Date as int (+1 day)

    -- Create date table with Date & Fiscal Week:

    declare @a as table ( [Date] Date, DayName Varchar(10), FiscalWeek Int );

    declare @Start int;

    set @Start = @DateInt

    -- Populate table:

    while @DateInt < @DateEndInt


    insert into @a values ( dateadd(dd, 0, @DateInt), DATENAME(weekday,dateadd(dd, 0, @DateInt)), ((@dateInt-@Start)/7)+1 );

    set @DateInt = @DateInt +1;


    select * from @a;

  • thanks laurie,

    but this one also gives like:

    date day week

    1-Apr-2011 Friday 1

    2-Apr-2011 Saturday 1

    3-Apr-2011 Sunday 1

    4-Apr-2011 Monday 1

    5-Apr-2011 Tuesday 1

    6-Apr-2011 Wednesday 1

    7-Apr-2011 Thursday 1

    8-Apr-2011 Friday 2

    But i want like...

    date day week

    1-Apr-2011 Friday 1

    2-Apr-2011 Saturday 1

    3-Apr-2011 Sunday 2

    4-Apr-2011 Monday 2

    5-Apr-2011 Tuesday 2

  • How about something like this?

    DECLARE @StartDT DATETIME = '2011-04-01'

    ;WITH Dates AS (

    SELECT TOP (1+DATEDIFF(day, @StartDT, DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(year, 1, @StartDT))))


    FROM sys.all_columns)

    SELECT d, Day=DATENAME(dw, d)

    ,Week=CASE WHEN DATEPART(ww, d) <= 13 THEN 40+DATEPART(ww, d) ELSE DATEPART(ww, d) - 13 END

    FROM Dates

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