Insert A List OF Data To sql

  • I write bellow query For Insert Data but I want my Store Procedure take A List OF Data and insert can i change That?

    create procedure AtashSooziFloorInsert

    @AtashSooziID int,@FloorID int



    insert AtashSooziFloor (AtashSooziID,FloorID)



  • To assist those who desire to assist you, could you supply a short sample of the "list of data" that you need to insert.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • SELECT 'EXECUTE AtashSooziFloorInsert ' + CAST(AtashSoozId as varchar(100))+ '

    CASTFloorID as varchar(100)) FROM ImportedTable

    then you can execute this list of sql

    or you write a cursor and then execute all sql

  • Sounds like a table valued parameter is your friend here.

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • tnx Dave Ballantyne

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