Problem with saving to VARBINARY field

  • Dear Expert,

    I have a wierd requirements which I have been struggling for awhile now. here is the code

    declare @Value2Convert varchar(max)

    declare @temp table( binaryField varbinary(max))

    declare @result varchar(max)

    select @Value2Convert= 13, @result = ''

    while 1=1


    select @result= '0'+convert(char(1),@Value2Convert % 2)+@result, @Value2Convert = convert(int, (@Value2Convert / 2))

    if @Value2Convert = 0 break


    --this return value desired value, I want to save in varbinary field the way it is

    select '0x'+ @result

    --this will not work as it will return error

    --insert into @temp(binaryField)

    --select @result

    --this will work but result is incorrect as 0x01010001 will be converted to 0x3031303130303031

    insert into @temp(binaryField)

    select cast(@result as varbinary(max))

    select * from @temp

    if the binaryField is varchar type then there wont be a problem, but I was told it must be varbinary. any way to work around this issue?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ah

    I figured out the solution after posting.

    insert into @temp(binaryField)

    select convert(varbinary(max), @result , 2)

    Thanks anyway Experts! 🙂

  • Yes, that's correct. 🙂

    And if you want to keep the data in default varbinary format and display it in character when selecting then last statement can be changed to display in varchar e.g.

    select cast(binaryField as varchar(max)) from @temp

    select convert(varchar(max), binaryField, 0) from @temp

    [font="Tahoma"]Fahim Ahmed[/font]
    [font="Times New Roman"]Knowledge is a journey, not a destiny [/font]

  • ultimate sql (9/17/2012)

    Yes, that's correct. 🙂

    And if you want to keep the data in default varbinary format and display it in character when selecting then last statement can be changed to display in varchar e.g.

    select cast(binaryField as varchar(max)) from @temp

    select convert(varchar(max), binaryField, 0) from @temp

    Thank you!

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