Unable to log into SQL Server after joining to Domain (issue is resolved, informational question only!)

  • So I have an SQL Server at home for "playing" with. I recently joined this system to a domain I set as well, and after that, I was unable to log into the SQL.

    Some basics:

    The SQL Server Service is running under the NT Authority\NetworkService account

    It was (and is) running in Windows Authentication mode

    I was able to login fine before joining to the domain

    After I joined the PC to the domain, I couldn't log in, even when I logged into the server using a local account that had local Admin access, I couldn't log into the SQL, I would get access denied.

    Now, I did manage to resolve the problem through the use of the DAC, enabling the SA account, etc.

    So, my question is, first:

    Why did my local accounts that worked before, lose access?


    How could I have prevented this when I joined the system to the Domain?


    Jason A.

  • Wait for it....

    in rights what is higher, the domain or the local?

    "We never plan to Fail, We just fail to plan":)

  • Thanks. I guess what was throwing me was, I would have expected to still be able to logon to the SQL using one of the existing local Windows users.


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