error msg: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.

  • Hi, i keep getting the error msg;

    msg 601:Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement when backing up my production database. My backup file destination is on a separate server(standby server remotely connected) were recovery is to take place on the backup file to keep the standby database in sync with my production database (this is a form of Log shipping).

    Note that what is being backed up is a snapshot of the database.

    Pls can any one help!

  • From this page:

    You cannot back up or restore database snapshots.


  • i cannot backup. The backup job fails with that error

  • Excellent. Always good when the product behaves as documented.


  • Pls how can you help me with that error.

  • Is the backup failing on the actual database or on the snapshot? If the snap shot, it is because you can't backup a snapshot database.

  • its the actual database, but its online

  • That's interesting - it contradicts what you said in your original post. Never mind - please will you describe how you're doing the backup of your database? If it's with a T-SQL statement, please post the statement.


  • it is a procedure that is called in the backup job

    create procedure sp_bakdb

    @dbname sysname ---name of the db to be backed up

    @backuplocationpath nvarchar(256) ---unc path to location of the backed up database/log files

    @baktyp varchar (20) ---backup type (full or log)


    declare @backupfilename = @backuplocationpath + '\' + <someformat>

    set @dbname = lower@dbname

    set @backuplocationpath = @backuplocationpath

    ---backup the database/log to the specified location

    print 'Backing up ' + @dbname + ' to disk: ' + @backuplocationpath

    if @baktyp = 'FULL'

    backup database @dbname to disk=@backuplocationpath



    backup log @dbname to disk=@backupfilename



    all parameters are given.

  • What build of SQL Server?

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS Edition,

    SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS ProductVersion,

    SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS ProductLevel;

    Have you checked DB integrity by running CHECKDB lately? Are you running any other jobs, e.g. an index maintenance job, while the backup job is running?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I have an DB Maintenance job that runs once a week and yes i have execute CHECKDB and no report of any error and the result to the query is Standard edition, 8.00.197, NULL

  • For next time, know that you posted in a SQL Server 2008 forum. There is a SQL 2000 forum on this site as well.

    OK, this was a known issue in early builds of SQL Server 2000 and was fixed in SP2 (I think). You may want to apply the latest service pack (SP4). That ought to clear things up for you.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for the info,pls how do i navigate to the Sql server 2000 forum, i am new

  • You're welcome.

    Click on 'Forums' on the left nav at the top of each page to see a list of all forums.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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