Automate Backup without using SQLServerAgent

  • A DOS batch file run with Windows Task Scheduler.

    Here's one I came up with, it does require that you have pkzip / pkzipc / pkunzip somewhere in your path, though. Also it requires you have SQL Authentication enabled, I never tried to get it to run with Windows Authentication.

    @echo off

    Rem Change DBNAME and backup location to appropriate

    Rem The backup location MUST EXIST



    rem [Setup]

    rem When entering the tempdrive, tempdir, and dest values,

    rem ******DO NOT******

    rem use any slashes!


    set tempdrive=

    set tempdir=

    set dest=

    set SQLSrvr=

    set dbname=

    set SQLUser=

    set SQLpassword=

    set zippassword=

    set DaysToKeep=

    rem The following will remove any : or spaces from the date, to allow

    rem date-stamping the backup files

    Set filedate=%date:/=%

    Set filedate=%filedate: =%

    Set filetime=%time::=%

    set filetime=%filetime:.=%

    rem Clean up database backups older than 1 week from destination media

    rem To change the number of days of backup files to keep, change the DaysToKeep

    rem above with a new value (higher numbers will save more backups)


    Forfiles /D -%DaysToKeep% /M *.BAK /C "cmd /c del @file"

    Forfiles /D -%DaysToKeep% /M *.ZIP /C "cmd /c del @file"


    cd %tempdir%

    Forfiles /D -%DaysToKeep% /M *.BAK /C "cmd /c del @file"

    Forfiles /D -%DaysToKeep% /M *.ZIP /C "cmd /c del @file"

    rem ****************************************************************************

    rem This will attempt to use Windows Authentication to run, using the User

    rem Account configured in the scheduled task, or the currently logged in User

    rem if double-clicking the batch file.

    rem If this does not work,

    rem un-rem the line: "rem sqlcmd -U %SQLuser% -P %SQLpassword% -q..."

    rem and rem the line: "sqlcmd -q "USE %dbname%" -Q "BACKUP..."

    rem ****************************************************************************

    rem sqlcmd -U %SQLuser% -P %SQLpassword% -Q "BACKUP DATABASE %dbname% TO DISK = '%tempdrive%\%tempdir%\%dbname%_%filedate%_%filetime%.BAK'"

    sqlcmd -S %sqlSrvr% -Q "BACKUP DATABASE %dbname% TO DISK = '%tempdrive%\%tempdir%\%dbname%_%filedate%_%filetime%.BAK'"

    if not exist %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\%dbname%_%filedate%_%filetime%.BAK goto bad

    pkzipc -add -fast -move -dir=current -pass=%zippassword% %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\ %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\%dbname%_%filedate%_%filetime%.BAK

    xcopy %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\ %dest%if not exist %dest%\ goto badcopy


    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo %date% - %time% >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo ------------------------ >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo Database backup completed OK >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo ************************************* >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo %date% - %time% >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ------------------------ >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo Database backup completed OK >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ************************************* >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    goto end


    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo %date% - %time% >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo ------------------------ >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo Database backup encountered a problem >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo Check SQL Server Logs for more information >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo ************************************* >> %dest%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo %date% - %time% >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ------------------------ >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo Database backup encountered a problem >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo Check SQL Server Logs for more information >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ************************************* >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    goto end


    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo %date% - %time% >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ------------------------ >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo Database backup encountered a problem >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo when copying backup file to %dest% >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo. >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    echo ************************************* >> %tempdrive%\%tempdir%\BackupLog.log

    goto end


    And now, for how long it's been since I worked with this...

    Glancing over it after posting, it will work with Windows Auth, by default.


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