Configure report manager URL

  • Hello

    I am new in SQL Server Reporting, so i have one question please help me through this.

    I develop report in BIDS and deploy on REPORT MANAGER. so report available on report manager URL which only accessible for that particular server only right? If yes, then that url only works for that server.

    If i need to make that url which can be accessible for any server or machine.

    is that possible

    do i need to talk to application team so they make url and work for all.

    please give me some useful tip to handle this.


  • What do you want to acheive here?

    If you have Enterprise Edition you can use a scale out deployment setup and create a host record in DNS for a particular URL and assign that to the scale out deployment, but if not each SSRS server needs its own URL, you cannot have 1 URL for X SSRS servers.

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