Time Intelligence (Previous Year & Month to Date)

  • Hello, this is a question regarding Time Intelligence in a PerformancePoint Dashboard.

    In the data connection of my Dashboard Designer i have defined a Time Dimension.

    I created also a Time Intelligence Filter to add these options:

    Day: Today

    Day - 1: Yesterday

    Month: Current Month

    Month - 1: Last Month

    Year: Current Year

    Year - 1: Last Year

    Monthtodate: Month to Date

    Yeartodate: Year to Date

    This KPI was created with two records:

    Actual: In which the measure is a regular sum measure of one of my columns of my fact table ([Measures].[Total Consumptions])

    Previous Year: This is related to a calculated measure in my SSAS Cube with this formula:

    (ParallelPeriod( [Dim Calendar].[Year - Month - Date].[Year] ), [Measures].[Total Consumptions])

    These KPI are my two columns of a Scorecard.

    In the Dashboard I linked the Time Intelligence Filter and the Scorecard.

    The Scorecard works good except when I select Month to Date or Year to Date in my filter because my Previous Year shows an error.

    I am sure my problem is in my Calculated Measure but I don't know how to correct it. Do you have any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance,


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